Dawn broke fully across the night. The hum of energy faded, as

did the rich resonance of the sea. The waves were just waves, buffering my legs and butt, chilling my skin.

It left me feeling oddly empty.

I sniffed, then turned around and walked back to the beach. When I reached the water’s edge, I stopped, letting the sea foam tickle my toes as I looked left and right. How did I get to Florence from here?

I could hire a car, but that would take ID, and all I had was Trae’s credit card. Stealing a car was also an option, but only if some fool left their keys in the ignition. Unlike Trae, I wasn’t a thief. Except when it came to clothes and some much-needed cash.

Which left me with some form of public transport. A bus, maybe?

I studied the buildings lining the beachfront. Given I didn’t know this area, the logical thing to do was ask the locals which was the best way to get to Florence. Shops lined the bottom of the turnaround, near the street, and at least one of them was a café or restaurant of some kind, if the packing and crates out back were anything to go by. I had no idea when any of the shops would be open, no idea if they would even be open today, because somewhere along the line, the days and nights of constant running had merged into a blur, and I actually had no idea what day it was. Still, asking a storekeeper for directions was a good option. It was either that or stop a local in the street. And shop and café workers, especially in a tourist area like this, were far more used to people asking for directions.

Frowning slightly, I got dressed, then made my way up the last bit of sand and back onto the turnaround, only to discover that the parking lot was no longer empty. A dark car stood in the middle of it. Leaning against it, arms crossed and looking decidedly sexy, was Trae.

I stopped. “What day is it?”

He raised an eyebrow. “What, no accusations? No tantrums or histrionics?”

“Would they get me the truth?”

“Probably not. And it’s Thursday.”

“Ah.” At least I’d have more chance of catching a bus if I needed it. “Why are you back?”

“Because I discovered my wallet had been picked.”


“Pulled into a gas station to get some gas, and discovered I was missing a credit card and some cash. Further investigation revealed a ring was also missing.”

“Is that the only reason you’re back? For the ring?”

“Yes.” He gave me a twisted little smile that had my pulse rate leaping. “Sweetheart, as much as I’d love to stay and explore your—” He paused, and his gaze did a slow, heated tour of my torso, sending pinpricks of heat skating across my body and a shiver that was all delight running through my soul. “—‘problems,’ I have business that negates that.”

“But what about the promises you made to Egan?”

His gaze met mine, the pretty blue depths still so cold, yet showing hints of regret and determination combined. “I made no promises to Egan. I agreed to meet him in Florence, but that’s all.”

“So why ask me before if I wanted your help, if you had no intention of giving it?”

“Just playing the game, sweetheart. Nothing more. You want to tell me where the ring is now?”

I studied him for a moment, believing his words and yet sensing something more behind them. Something deeper, darker. “No, because I have no idea where the ring actually is right now.”

“What were you doing out in the Pacific, then?”

“Talking to the sea. It, at least, doesn’t lie.”

Amusement gleamed briefly in his eyes. “Whether you believe it or not, I haven’t told you any lies, either.”

Maybe he hadn’t, but that wasn’t the point. Egan had believed he would help, and Trae had not disabused him of the notion. That, in my book, was just as bad as lying and stealing.

Of course, I shouldn’t talk, considering I’d stolen a stranger’s clothes and his cash.

“After Egan’s death, I made myself a promise to return the ring to its rightful owner. That’s not you, is it?”

He snorted. “No, we half breeds certainly have no right to that particular ring. But I need it anyway.”