Oh shit. I drank more champagne. “What sort of contract? He does not look the type who would be looking for menial work. He looks too mean for that.”

Julius chuckled. “Indeed, he does. And it was a simple hunt order for an escaped felon. Nothing serious.”

There was nothing serious about a hunt order? Rhea help me.... I shifted a little closer and let my arm touch his. It wasn't the best type of contact for seeking, but I couldn't do anything more without being obvious. “I do hope you're not forced to deal with fellows such as he on a daily basis. That would be... unpleasant.”

“Indeed,” he replied, even as my psi skills snagged a title—Minister in charge of Home Defense. “But fortunately, I merely sign the paperwork. It is Hedda and her people who handle the day-to-day operations of our department.”

Meaning Hedda Lang was his second-in-command? That would certainly explain all the military and government equipment and boxes we'd uncovered in the various bunkers we'd raided. As his second, few would bother questioning her orders—especially if Julius didn't particularly pay too much attention to what he was signing.

“Why would Hedda invite such a man to an event like this?”

Branna was now on the far side of the room—I could see the top of his golden hair as he prowled along the edges of the room.

“Rhea only knows,” he said. “She's sometimes a strange woman.”

If this Hedda was indeed Dream, then that was something of an understatement.

I glanced toward the platform and saw that the ceremony appeared to be coming to its conclusion. A blue-clad woman was carrying a velvet cushion to Karlinda. On it sat a metallic crest similar in style to the ones already inset into the mirrors on the rear wall.

Cat whisked back into the room. The bracelets are hidden in the apartment.

Where's Bear?

Watching Branna, she said.

I leaned forward and glanced to the right. Branna appeared to be heading back toward the elevator foyer. Perhaps he'd given up on trying to find Hedda.

If he leaves this room, can you both follow him? We need to know where he's hiding out if we're to have any hope of dealing with him.

Will do, Bear said.

Cat's energy kissed my cheek. I do not like the feel of the man beside you. Be careful.

It's usually me who's saying that, I said, amused.

She giggled. I know. It rubs off.

She left, leaving me alone with the man she disliked. I ret

urned my attention to the platform and watched the remainder of the ceremony. Once Charles had placed his family's crest into the empty mirror, polite applause rolled around the room.

“Is that it?” I asked.

“The official part of the evening, yes.” He rose and offered me his hand. “And now the fun begins.”

I hesitated, and then placed my hand in his. And got a weird flash of... not darkness, but rather emptiness.

I frowned, unsure what it meant, but he released my hand before I could delve any further, and led the way off the platform. As I followed, music began to play, the beat heavy and languid.

Charles helped Karlinda down the stairs and kept a hand under her elbow as they walked toward us. The older woman was more than a little unsteady on her feet and there were deep shadows under her eyes. She really wasn't well.

Charles released her into Julius’s care and then wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed me soundly. When he finally released me, he said, “Karlinda, this is Catherine, the woman I was talking about.”

She held out a rather limp-looking hand. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

I clasped her fingers lightly, and couldn't quite control the gasp that escaped as a multitude of images hammered into my mind. Images of pain, blood, and darkness, of skin being pierced, and of a weakness that rose as life was drained.

“Are you all right?” Charles asked, concern in his tone.