Because one controls the House of Lords, he said, and the other is merely a government official, no matter the fact that she is second-in-charge of the Department of Home Defense.

There’s one rather large problem in that particular statement, though, I said. Dream is assuming Karlinda’s identity. What’s to stop her from ordering me killed?

The fact that she can’t—not without the order first going through the House for approval.

Which didn’t mean she couldn’t convince Charles I was up to no good and have him do something about it. But even as that thought crossed my mind, I discounted it. Charles was, at his core, a kind-hearted, old-fashioned gentleman who believed in doing what was right by Central. Dream might have talked him into breaking into my home, and she might be able to convince him to interrogate me or check out the lumps and scars on my body in greater detail, but he would go no further. He wouldn’t kill—at least not without reason and, even then, not without proof. It just wasn’t in his nature.

I finished my coffee and put the cup down. The dark-haired man who’d been inspecting the bakery for an overly long time was nowhere in sight. I doubted he’d be too far away, however—unless, of course, someone else had taken his place. Dream knew what I was, and would suspect I’d be more likely to spot a tail than the average person.

I’m meeting Charles for dinner tomorrow night, I said. But I’m not risking going back to his apartment to read him more thoroughly. Nuri’s not the only one getting bad vibes about the whole situation.

If you do think Charles will betray you—

It’s no greater a risk now that it has ever been, I replied, even as I crossed mental fingers to void the lie. You were the one who warned me that he’s a government man, after all.

Yes, but—

You’ve already said Dream won’t outright kill me, I cut in, and anything else I’ll escape from.

And if she can’t, Bear and Cat intoned, we’ll all help her, won’t we?

Once again I felt Jonas’s smile, and this time it warmed places deep inside. Indeed we will.

I finished off the remainder of the second macaroon and then rose. If there’s nothing else, I’d better leave. Lingering might raise too many suspicions.

Be careful in Charles’s company tomorrow night.

I glanced his way as I moved away from the table and gave him a smile. And you make sure you keep me updated, or I shall ask the little ones to harass your ass.

His answering smile was quick and bright, and even though he wasn’t wearing his own countenance, still sent my pulse rate skittering. It’s impossible for them to do any more than they currently are.

Are you sleeping?

He paused. Yes.

Then they can do more.

His laughter ran across my thoughts and tugged a wider smile to my lips.

Then perhaps we should agree to share the company of Cat and Bear, so that messages can be relayed in good time.

A good plan, I said, and walked out.

I hesitated, looking right and left, and didn’t spot my tail. Either he was watching from inside one of the nearby retail stores or he had indeed swapped over with someone else.

I took my time making my way back to the apartment, and then did nothing more for the remainder of the evening but rest and eat. After everything that had happened over the last week or so, it was a rather nice interval.

And one that instinct said I’d better enjoy.

At six the following evening I got ready for my date with Charles. I decided to dress more conservatively than usual—the tunic I chose was loose rather than figure-hugging, and the side split only went as far as my knee—in order to send an indirect message that he wasn’t to expect anything of a sexual nature this evening.

Shall we accompany you? Cat asked as I gathered a shawl to ward off the evening’s chill from my shoulders.

I hesitated and then shook my head. “Keep an eye on the apartment, just in case anything untoward happens.”

I didn’t really expect it to, but it was always possible that Dream would use my time away to do a thorough search. I’d hidden my uniform and guns as best I could, but a decent scanner would undoubtedly uncover the latter.

I headed out. The evening air was even colder than I expected, and a light drizzle was falling. I pulled the shawl over my head and shoulders, and kept to the building side of the sidewalk, using the various awnings and overhangs as added protection.