“You showed them your badge?”

“They’re not buying that, either. And they took my gun.”

She raised an eyebrow. “And you let them?”

He hesitated. Something flashed in his eyes. “They had a gun to your head. I had no choice.”

“Ah.” She was tempted to ask why that had stopped him, but she knew the answer would be anything other than an admission of caring. “Is there a football swelling on the side of my head? It feels like it.”

A smile touched his mouth and did strange things to her pulse. “It’s more like a golf ball.” His fingers moved from her cheek to her head, gently probing her scalp just above the temple. “Nasty-looking, but there’s no cut.”

“Good.” She’d had more than her fair share of cuts already on this case. She raised a hand, touching his stubble-lined cheek. “We’ll find her. Before the three days are up, we’ll find her.”

Just for a moment, his anger and fear and torment surrounded her, strong enough to almost taste. Then it shut down, as he shut down emotionally, until all that was left was his cop face. “Don’t promise.” His voice, though soft, was harsh. “Because promises like that are almost never kept.”

“Mine will be.”

“Don’t.” The sound of sirens touched the air, and he asked, “Are you up to trying to track down the mara’s scent once the sheriff releases us?”


e nodded but couldn’t help wincing in pain. “Don’t suppose anyone would give me a painkiller?”

Silence greeted her request. If it weren’t for the heavy breathing, she might have thought Ethan and she were alone in the room. She certainly couldn’t see anyone else from where she was lying.

The sheriff and his men arrived about five minutes later. The big man’s gaze swept the room, hesitated on them briefly, then moved on. “Jesus, Frank, put the gun down. What in hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Karen’s gone.” The homeowner’s voice was defiant but shaky. “And these two know about it. They broke into my house—”

“These two are part of a special task force trying to stop the kidnappings. Deputies, grab those damn rifles.” The sheriff strode toward them. “You two okay?”

Kat nodded and sat up with Ethan’s help. “Do you mind if we look around? There’s still a chance we can find the kidnapper’s trail.”

“Sure. Just come back and give me a full report. I particularly want to know why you didn’t call for help.”

She nodded again and tried to ignore the pounding ache in her head. She needed painkillers and rest, but she wasn’t likely to get either of those anytime soon. Ethan helped her rise and kept hold of one hand as he led her past the white-faced trio near the hall door. His fingers felt good against hers, warm and strong.

He stopped near the little girl’s bedroom. “Is this where you were knocked unconscious?”

She nodded, then took a deep breath and completely lowered her shields, seeking whatever emotions might lie in the hall. Death was a slither of darkness staining the air. She couldn’t feel anything from the little girl, but then, she wouldn’t. Not until Karen was dying.

“This way,” she said, untangling her fingers from his.

She followed the trail through the kitchen and out the back door. The dogs barked, but someone had chained them, and they were no longer a threat.

Rain began to fall, big, fat drops that hit with the intensity of hail. Overhead, thunder rumbled. If the heavens opened up, she’d lose the scent completely. She hurried across the yard and leaped the fence. The storm hit as they entered the trees, and within minutes, the thread of evil had evaporated. She stopped, cursing long and loud.

“I’m gathering you’ve lost it,” Ethan said, amusement momentarily warming the frustrated anger still evident in his voice.

She nodded and rubbed her arms as she studied the trees above them. “Where exactly was that cabin you found?”

“To the north.”

He took off his coat and placed it over hers. Heat rushed through her, as if the warmth of his body had infused his coat and now transferred it to her. Or maybe it was just the scent of him lingering on the thick leather that warmed her senses.

“You think that’s where they might be headed?” he continued, catching the ends of the coat and tugging her closer.

She was too aware of his nearness, too aware of the fingers brushing her stomach as he zipped up the coat, to do anything but nod.