The moon caressed his shoulders as he walked away—a touch that burned clear through to his soul. The darkness stirred deep within, and hunger boiled through his veins. He thrust clenched hands into his jacket pockets and tried to ignore the moon-spun fever. He didn’t have time to quench his physical needs right now. Not when every minute that passed brought the reality of Janie’s death one step closer.

Not when the fiends behind these kidnappings were so close he could almost smell them.

He walked into the warehouse and made his way down the stairs. Floodlights had been brought in an hour ago, and the shadows had long since fled. Oddly enough, the room looked smaller than it had when encased in darkness. Forensics methodically searched for the smallest of clues, but he doubted they’d find anything beyond the oddly human-shaped smudge of ash.

Mark Fairfield, his friend and partner of the last three years, squatted near the dark stain on the concrete floor. Ethan stopped next to him.

“They figured out what that is yet?”

“Human, if the small bits of bone they’ve found are anything to go by.” Mark’s voice was grim.

“A fire hot enough to do this to a human would have killed me, too.”

“Yeah. And made a mess of the warehouse, too.” Mark looked up. “By your reckoning, you were only unconscious for three to four minutes. Not enough time for this to happen.”

“No.” But the fact was, it had. “You questioned the woman?”

“Katherine Tanner? Yeah. She’s not saying much, but I have a feeling she knows exactly what transpired.”

Her name was Katherine? Odd. He’d expected something more … feisty. “Is Benton taking her downtown for questioning?”

“Nah. Apparently the pair of them have friends in high places, and he’s walking on eggshells around them. Besides, until we know for sure what this is and how long it’s been here, what the hell are we going to question them about?”

They could try asking just what this thing had been before it burned. He’d hit the creature with every ounce of strength he had. No human could have stood up to those blows, because he wasn’t human.

No, he thought bitterly, he was something a whole lot less savory.

“Nothing else in the warehouse?”

His effort to keep his voice carefully neutral failed, and Mark’s expression became sympathetic.

“No,” he said softly. “Nothing at all.”

Ethan nodded. At least he could hold on to hope just that little bit longer—however false he knew it to be.

“Are the two women still here?”

“Benton let them go about half an hour ago.”

“Do we know where they’re staying?”

Mark considered him. “Benton told you to keep away from this case.”

“Would you?”

“I guess not.” Mark rose. “They’re at the Motel Six down on Beach Road.”


Mark nodded. “I’m guessing you want me to keep you updated on anything that happens?”

“You said it.” Ethan hesitated. “As of tonight, I’m on leave. Don’t call me from the office.”

“I’m not stupid.” His partner looked past him. “Benton’s headed this way.”

“Which means my time is up. Keep in touch, partner.”

“I will if you do.”