So grab a taxi and disappear. The sooner the better.

Me leaving this reservation weakens you. I can’t and won’t do that.

“Lizzie?” Aiden repeated. “Speak to me.”

“My father’s name is Lawrence,” I croaked. “And that means he’s here with Clayton.”

“Are you sure?” Aiden said. “Lawrence isn’t exactly a rare name.”

“I’m sure.” Even so, I pushed away from his arms and said to James, “Describe this man to me.”

He shrugged. “Tall, broad shouldered, crimson hair and eyes like yours.”

“Has he a port wine stain here?” I asked, running my fingers down the left side of my neck.

“I saw some dark mottling near his ear, but I couldn’t say if it was a birth mark or something else. It’s not like I was interested in getting to know him better or anything.”

“How did he contact you?” Aiden said.

“He messaged me.”

“Text or Facebook?” Aiden said.


I glanced at Aiden. “Meaning the messages were sent via magic.”

It was a simple enough spell and one taught in high school, though it wasn’t something I’d ever done. To be honest, I’d totally forgotten about it.

“And did you physically meet to hand over the information or did you electronically transfer?”

“Met. He didn’t want any sort of electronic trail left behind. He even took the damn memory card out of my camera.”

Aiden’s smile held little amusement. “And you didn’t have backups? I find that hard to believe.”

“I don’t really care what you fucking believe. I had no choice but to hand everything over. He must have spelled me or something.”

“And you still worked for him, despite this?” I rubbed my arms and somehow resisted the growing urge to run into the pub, order the largest bottle of whiskey they had, and get absolutely and totally drunk. “He must have been paying you a pretty penny.”

“I’m not cheap.” He studied me critically for a moment. “How did you two spot me? You shouldn’t have been able to, given how far away I was.”

“Your employer obviously forgot to mention the convenient fact that I’m a psychic. I’ve been feeling your presence for days; I just wasn’t able to locate you until tonight.”

James snorted. “Typical of a blueblood to leave that sort of information out.”

It was actually typical, simply because to bluebloods psychic powers were of little consequence—which was why Belle had been able to overrun Clayton’s thoughts so thoroughly. He hadn’t believed her telepathy was strong enough to affect him.

He knew better now.

As Aiden continued to question James, I said, Belle—

I’m not leaving. Don’t ask me to.

I thrust down frustration and fear. Then at the very least we need to find you somewhere safe to hide.

Nowhere here is safe. Not from someone like him.

For no good reason, Maelle’s comment rose. A tiny spark of hope stirred.