Aiden didn’t head back to his own place in the morning, instead staying to help us out. Which was just as well, as we were swamped midmorning with customers and Penny was all but run off her feet. Once the café was closed, I sent Belle upstairs to read through her gran’s books while he cleaned up and I caught up on the prep. It was close to dusk when his phone rang. He leaned a hip against the counter to answer and, after a slight pause, stiffened. “Have you called Monty?”

“I don’t think Monty’s back from Melbourne,” I murmured.

He glanced at me, one eyebrow raised in question. I nodded and silently added to Belle, Looks like I’m standing in for Monty again.

I do like how he calls on you rather than Ashworth in these situations, Belle said. Ashworth is the more logical choice, given his history working for the Regional Witch Association and the fact he subbed in the position before Monty arrived.

I think he likes my face better than Ashworth’s.

Belle snorted. That is a certainty.

I grinned and walked into the reading room to grab my backpack, then followed Aiden outside. The truck’s lights flashed as he clicked the remote, and we quickly climbed inside.

“Where are we going?” I asked, as he reversed out and then headed for the street. “Has there been another murder?”

He looked right and left before pulling out onto the street with lights and sirens on. “No, but they were certainly newly married. The creature ran after they defended themselves.”

“If we’re dealing with a ghoul, I’m surprised.”

“The woman threw salt at it.”

Wise woman. “So I’m along for the ride because your rangers weren’t able to track it via scent?”

“They can, but I told them to wait until we got there.”

I frowned. “Why? Salt obviously works, and they’re armed besides.”

“Except this thing appears to be something other than a ghoul.”

My frown deepened. “What makes you say that?”

“Because,” he said, his voice flat, “this one had huge, bat-like wings, only half a torso, and intestines that trailed along behind it like streamers.”

Chapter Five

The description matched the fragile memories I’d caught in the last victim’s mind. Even so, I had to ask, “Are you sure the couple weren’t drunk?”

“According to Jaz, no. And they have pictures of this thing.”

“Most people would be a screaming mess after seeing something like that.”

“Apparently, she watches a lot of those ghost hunter type shows.”

I snorted. “I suspect there wouldn’t be many ghost hunting shows highlighting that sort of spirit.”

A smile briefly flirted with his lips. “Does the description of this thing match anything you’ve seen or read about?”

“No, but it’s not like I had any rea

son to study the supernatural before I came to this place.”

He grunted. “If we manage to track it tonight, will you be able to deal with it?”

I couldn’t help a smile. “Unknown, given I have no idea what we’re dealing with. But if you wanted certainty in that regard, you should have called in Ashworth.”

“I would have, but he and Eli are off the reservation tonight.”

I glanced at him. “How do you know that?”