“While they’re in such a good mood, I don’t suppose they want to track down the Empusae for us?”

“That would be going against the rules.”

I raised my eyebrows. “There’s rules for spirit guides?”

She hesitated, obviously listening to her guides. “It’s more things they can and can’t do. Their main purpose is to guide and provide advice. They cannot directly intervene, which is what providing such direct information would be.”

“Suggesting they do know where the Empusae are.”

“They can neither confirm nor deny that.”

“Then they remain in my ‘annoying’ category.”

Belle’s expression was momentarily intent. “They say this pleases them, as they wouldn’t know how to cope with you actually being friendly toward them.”

I chuckled and drank some coffee. “Have they at least got a suggestion as to when we should check?”

“They suggest you put your coffee in a travel mug and depart straight away.”

“Then I shall do so.” I pushed to my feet. “Can you call Ashworth and tell him what’s going on? I might pick him up on the way through if he’s not busy.”

“Wise plan.”

“Is that your thought or the guides’?”

“Both. Going anywhere by one’s self is not something they suggest doing right now.”

“Great. Even the spirits are spooked by the Empusae.”

“They’re not spooked. They’re just not liking the current trajectory of kills.”

“No one does.” I paused. “You’d better ring Monty, too, and let him know the spirits have sent me on a wild goose chase.”

“News he won’t take well.”

“Yeah, but he won’t grumble as much at you.”

“An annoying truth.”

I poured my coffee into a travel mug and then made one for Ashworth. Once I grabbed my purse and keys, I said, “Any plans for tonight?”

She nodded. “Kash rang and asked if I wanted to go out for dinner. I’m not sure he realizes I’m annoyed at him, though.”

“Well, considering most of your dates have been within the confines of his place, this is at least a step in the right direction.”

“That is very true, and why I said yes.”

I slung my purse over my shoulder. “I’ll see you later, then.”

“Yes. Just… be careful.”

I flashed her a grin. “I always am.”

Her snort of disbelief followed me out the door.

Ashworth was waiting out the front of his place, a backpack slung over his shoulder. “That extra coffee for me?” He dumped his pack on the floor and then pulled on the seat belt.

I nodded. “Did Belle fill you in?”