Not many at all. Except she’s looking for a witch with green eyes, not silver. It’s something.

I’m not sure it’ll be enough. She’s obviously done some research on our fake identities.

There was another long stretch of silence. I knew Belle was answering the woman’s questions, but tension sawed at me. I wanted to know what was happening—needed to know what was happening—but I dare not touch Belle’s thoughts any deeper because I had no idea just how sensitive tracers were. If Ashworth had sensed the merging of our magics when we’d been standing together, then it was logical a magical bloodhound would be more than capable of such a feat—and maybe even be able to do so when neither of us were in the same room, but simply connected mind to mind.

She knew who I was before I said anything, Belle commented eventually. So she has done her homework.

Meaning she’ll also be well aware your partner is one Elizabeth Grace.

Most likely. And I never thought I’d ever be happy to see him, but Monty just arrived.


He’s hobbled straight up to the other witch and asked what the hell she was doing in his reservation.

I smiled. I can just imagine the indignant tone and expression.

Oh yeah, he’s putting on a full show. She paused. Daniela is apologizing profusely for not advising him of her presence and purpose. She says she was unaware the reservation position had been filled.

You buying that excuse?

Nope. And neither is Monty.

He was no fool, even if he sometimes acted it. Is she quizzing him?

Yes. She showed him the photo and said she’s looking for Elizabeth Marlowe, who disappeared from the capital a few years ago.

Fabulous. I scrubbed a hand through my hair and dislodged the hairband holding my ponytail. I swore, picked it up, and looped it back into place. The photo can’t be a recent one.

If there was one thing Belle and I had been very careful about, it was putting up photos on social media.

It’s not—you’re probably thirteen or fourteen in it.

Meaning there was a small chance she wouldn’t take one look at me and make the connection. I’d been a late developer, and my curves hadn’t really blossomed until I was nearly eighteen. Add that to the eye color change and there was a hope—a small sliver of hope—that she wouldn’t make the connection. Although the silver eyes did make me look like my mother.

And at least half a dozen of your cousins, Belle commented. But as far as anyone in Canberra is concerned, your eyes are green. Eyes generally don’t change color, so it may be our saving grace.

Except for the fact I’m obviously a blueblood and you’re obviously a Sarr, and she’s looking for one if not both.

True. Belle’s uncertainty and fear ran down the mental line, sharpening my own. She and Monty are sitting down for a coffee and a friendly chat.

I bit back the urge to swear. I knew well enough that he intended nothing more than to ease the tracer’s suspicions about the café and its owners, but the longer she spent here, the more time she could study the magic protecting this place and pick out the deeper similarities to whatever spell she was using to trace me.

If she was using a spell, that was. It was always possible she was here thanks to the Interspecies Investigations Report that had been submitted to Canberra some months ago. That report—a summation of the actions taken after a vampire had killed a human within the reservation—had apparently mentioned our presence, however offhand it might have been.

I scrubbed my hands across my eyes. If I don’t appear, she’s going to think it suspicious.

Yes. Belle paused. Monty’s giving me a weird look. Hang on while I connect.

Monty wasn’t telepathic in any way, shape, or form, but he didn’t have to be. Belle could simply skim his thoughts to get the gist of what he wanted. I switched my weight from one foot to the other and tried to curb my impatience.

Okay, Monty’s also of the opinion you need to come down, but he suggests I disappear upstairs so we’re not seen together.

I took a deep breath and released it slowly. I could do this. I had to do this. But first, a few changes. I spun and ran for the bathroom. After sweeping my hair into a tight bun, I hurriedly applied some eyeliner to alter the appearance of my eyes and then eye shadow to enhance the color of them. The result certainly made the color of my eyes pop, but would it be enough? I crossed mental fingers and then said, Meet you on the stairs, then.

I resolutely strode toward them. Belle touched my arm on her way up, an encouragement that didn’t help much. I plastered a smile on my face then walked around the counter to take care of the waiting orders.

Penny appeared and slid another one across the counter to me. “It’s for Monty’s table, and they’d like to speak to you when you have the chance.”