“Then Gabe did not—”

“He was nothing more than the key that unlocked what was meant to be. I convinced him, Mom, not the other way around.”

The silver sheen made another brief appearance. “Then you are happy?”

“Yes. I have everything I’ve ever wanted.”

“Then I can only be happy for you.”

“Thanks, Mom.” Katie hesitated. “But I do have a warning for you—be careful what you wish for, because you may just get it.”

Karleen frowned. “And what is that supposed to mean?”

“You know well enough.” Katie looked at Aiden. “Don’t seek happiness in your past, big brother, even if it haunts you.”

He frowned, his expression so similar to his mother’s that I wanted to smile. I couldn’t, because I wasn’t yet in control.

“I don’t—”

“You will, soon enough. I must go.” To me, she silently added, Contact the White Lady. The information she holds will help you track the flesh eater—but you must let her vengeance fly, otherwise her spirit will blight this reservation forever.

And with that ominous warning ringing through my mind, she left my body.


The minute Katie left me, my knees collapsed and I hit the ground hard. My pulse pounded in my ears, and I couldn’t seem to get enough air. The world spun around me, and for several seconds, unconsciousness loomed.

I clenched my hands and fought it. The wisps of wild magic were still wrapped around my fingers, and their energy surged in response, chasing away the darkness and lending me strength. It

might only be borrowed strength, but right then, it didn’t matter. Not if it kept me going long enough to get home.

There was a slight thump on the ground in front of me and then Aiden’s hands on my shoulders, my face, concern evident in his touch. “Liz? Are you okay? Can I get you anything?”

I took a deep, shuddering breath and then opened my eyes. The night wasn’t bright and the moon wasn’t visible, and yet my eyes nevertheless stung.

I blinked rapidly, suddenly aware of the rain, the cold, and just how wet I now was despite the presence of the yellow raincoat. I shivered, and he instantly pulled me closer. The fierce, warm heat of him wrapped around me, and it made me feel as safe as I’d ever felt in my entire life.

And yet I couldn’t help but be aware of a different kind of fierceness emanating from his mother.

“We need to get you out of these wet clothes and back home,” Aiden said. “Before you catch a chill.”

I smiled into his neck, my lips brushing his skin and tasting the musk of wolf and man. Katie’s sensitivity to taste still lingered, despite the fact she no longer possessed my body.

“They breed us witches tougher than that, Aiden. I’ll be right after a hot toddy and a long bath.”

“Then let’s—”

“We can’t go anywhere until I release the protection circle.” I took another deep breath that was filled with the warm, rich scent of him and then drew back. He didn’t entirely release me though, and I wasn’t about to object. If nothing else, it totally pissed off his mother. Although I guess the unhappy vibes could also have been the fact that she wasn’t wearing a coat and was even more sodden than me.

I carefully unpicked the spell and released it, watching as both my magic and the wild faded into the silvery night.

“Right, it’s safe to move.” I raised my gaze to Karleen’s. Her expression was set, and her eyes gave little away. Only the black swirl in her aura hinted at her agitation and annoyance. “Thank you for the pleasant evening, Mrs. O’Connor.”

Her smile flashed but held little sincerity. “It was most… illuminating. Thank you for allowing me to speak to my daughter. Aiden, we’ll talk later.”

“Sure.” His tone was flat. The annoyance was back, obviously.

As his mother strode back to her car, he rose and helped me up. Then he swung me fully into his arms and carried me to his truck, placing me carefully in the passenger seat and then grabbing a blanket from the back and tucking it around me. It went some way to warming my legs and feet. My shoes, I noted sadly, were not only wet and muddy, but were now missing several sparkly stones. A bin rather than my wardrobe was their next resting place.