
The night remained, at least on a surface level, free of sound and threat.

But she was out there, watching and waiting.

For what?

Are you okay? came Belle’s comment. I’m getting all sorts of weird vibes from you.

I’ve had two flat tires. Aiden’s on his way out here.

That doesn’t explain the weird vibes. What’s wrong?

I think the Empusae might be stalking me.

Well fuck, where are you? I’ll come get you—

There’s nothing you can do. And no way she’d get here in time if something did happen. It might be nothing.

Even as I said that, another crack rang out, jangling my nerves and making my heart skip unevenly for several beats. The bitch was playing with me…

We both know the latter part of that statement is an outright lie. I’ll head home and—

Belle, don’t wreck your night—

Leaving Kash to party on without me in the club is not wrecking my night. You dying on me totally would. I’ll get home and get comfortable, just in case you have to pull on my reserves.

I drew in a deep breath and released it slowly. Thanks, Belle.

Energy stirred. Not mine. Not even the Empusae’s. It belonged to Vita. She might have told us she couldn’t track this demon, but she had an uncanny knack of showing up just before the bitch attacked…

The thought had barely crossed my mind when a figure came out of the trees and arrowed toward me. I swore and flung my net spell. It spun through the air, spreading out as it did so, providing an ever-widening area in which to capture the demon. She screamed in fury, a sound so fierce it made my ears ache. In the blink of an eye she went from flesh to feather form and then soared upwards. I flicked my spell after her; one edge caught her tail and threads of magic spun from the net to her feathers and lashed around them tightly. She screeched and twisted violently one way and then the other even as her magic surged and attacked mine. I quickly unraveled the net spell and let it fall away, hoping against hope that she didn’t see—didn’t feel—the two faint threads still clinging to her. Now I just had to remain alive long enough to make use of them. I wove a second spell around my fingertips, this time a repelling one.

The demon had disappeared once more. I scanned the skies, knowing she wouldn’t have gone far, knowing she’d be back, and soon, if only because I was alone in the middle of nowhere. She’d never get a better opportunity to attack.

Vita came closer, and anger stirred through me. It very much felt like she was using me as bait—especially given her energy was similar in feel to the faint wisps that had lingered on the melted bit of the tire.

Had she set me up?

Possibly. More than possibly.

And yet, why would she do that if she wanted Belle’s help? Didn’t she realize the connection between us?

Probably not, came Belle’s thought. She’s a very old witch, remember, and as far as we’re aware, there’s been no other cases of one witch becoming the familiar of another.

True, though I had a bad feeling Vita’s actions wouldn’t have changed even if she had known. Our White Lady was very intent on gaining her vengeance no matter what it cost anyone else.

Which was just one more reason for Belle not to give her access.

Once again, something cracked deep in the forest, this time behind me. I jumped and turned, my heart pounding in the vicinity of my throat. Nothing. There was nothing.

And yet she was there.

What the hell was she waiting for?

What sort of game was she playing?

Perhaps she simply wants you to suffer. Belle’s mental tones were grim. Maybe you should just jump into the SUV and drive as fast as you can away from the area, flat tire or not.