“Well,” I murmured, ignoring the regret that rose when his lips left mine. “That’s sure to set a few tongues wagging.”

“I’m not sure why—it isn’t exactly a secret that you and I are going out. Hell, they were all placing bets on the possibility.”

I smiled. “Yes, but public displays of affection have been few and far between.”

“Because I generally refuse to give the gossips fodder. But they’re not here today, and you looked as if you needed a kiss.”

I raised an eyebrow. “So if they had been here, said kiss would not have been forthcoming?”

“Possibly.” He picked up a brownie and took a bite. “Ashworth tells me that he and Monty killed another Empusae last night.”

I nodded. “We’ve also set a trap around a cave we found up near the Garfield Water Wheel, so keep your fingers crossed that we catch her sooner rather than later.”

He nodded. “A thorough search of all three compounds has now been completed. We didn’t find any onerous scents that would indicate the presence of this demon.”

I started in on my cake. “I didn’t think you would. These things are too clever to make a mistake like that.”

“And yet they’re not beyond making them—as evidenced by the fact two are now dead.”

“Yeah, but the most dangerous one still lives, and I’ve a suspicion she’ll raise some hell before we manage to stop her.”

“I can always rely on you to bring a bit a reality to the discussion.”

I waved a spoon at him. “Hey, you’re the one that wanted honesty in this relationship.”

“Which I appreciate greatly, even if it sometimes seems otherwise.” He paused. “My father sends his thanks for your help up in the compound yesterday.”

“And does that thank-you also come with a warning not to expect further invites?”

“No. Though it would be appreciated if you kept what you saw to yourself.” He hesitated and glanced toward Belle, who was plating up an order at the counter. “Well, between you and Belle, anyway.”

“Because of all the sparkle?”

He nodded. “You can imagine what would happen if its presence became common knowledge.”

“There’d be carnage.”

“Yes, because wherever there’s gold, there’re humans who risk all to get at it.”

“Your pack’s secret is safe.” I hesitated. “Is it only the O’Connor compound that so ostentatiously displays its wealth?”

“The Sinclairs’ gold runs through internal ceilings and walls. The Marin compound have several thick veins of gold running underneath their building, but for the most part, it remains untouched.”

“So why has your pack put it so openly on display? I know few humans are allowed up there, but it’s still an unwarranted risk.”

He shrugged. “You have to remember, we’ve held this land almost as long as white settlement has been in Australia, and for a good part of that history, this area was totally closed to all humans. It was only when the forced resettlement happened and the treaty was struck that humans were allowed entry.”

And even then, only in certain portions of the reservation. “Then the gold rush struck.”

A smile touched his lips. “Yes, and that influx of humans also meant an influx of coin. Humans might hunger for gold, but they cannot live on

it alone.”

Which was why the wealthiest people in any gold mining town of old were often those who provided services—the traders, the publicans, the landlords, and sometimes even the whores.

“How’s Jeni?”

“Good—she’s come off sedation, and the murders she witnessed are nothing more than a distant dream—troubling but not mind-destroyingly terrifying. Belle did good work there.”