“You want a coffee? Or a brownie?” I asked.

“No to the coffee, as I had one at the meeting, but I’ll never say no to a brownie.”

I smiled and rose to grab him a couple of slices. “What did the council want? Just an update on events?”

“Yes, but they also needed to discuss their options, given that Monty is going to be out of action for between three to six months.”

I grimaced. “I have to be honest, the last thing I want is another damn witch coming down from Canberra, however temporarily.”

“Oh, trust me, it’s the last thing they want as well. Monty was the best of the remaining applicants.”

“What about their first choice?” Belle said. “The one that missed the plane?”

“He accepted another position elsewhere.” Aiden shrugged. “Anyway, they’re thinking of asking Ashworth and Eli if they’d step in again on a temporary basis.”

“Ashworth will more than likely say yes,” I said.

Aiden picked up a brownie and bit into it. “That’s their thinking—especially given he’s spent a good chunk of time since Monty’s arrival bitching about being bored and having nothing to do.”

I grinned. “Yes, but I actually think he’s also enjoying spending more time with Eli.”

“Not sure Eli is so pleased about it,” Belle murmured.

I chuckled. “True, but only because Ashworth is bored.”

“They’ll probably make an official approach tomorrow.”

“And if for some weird reason Ashworth defies expectations and doesn’t take the job?” I asked. “What’s their plan then.”

He shrugged. “Start the application process again and hope for a better result this time.”

“Unlikely, from what Monty said.”

“Perhaps, but our council has little choice. The witch council is aware there’s a wellspring here that needs protection, so they’ll no doubt force the issue if necessary.”

“At least the wellspring is still protected by both Ashworth’s magic and mine.”

“I suspect the witch council will not leave the safety of such a large wellspring to an RWA witch and an unregistered, unvetted one,” Belle said, voice dry. “Remember, they don’t know the wild magic itself strengthens your spells and protects the wellspring.”

“And long may that continue.” I raised my mug and clicked it against Belle’s, then returned my gaze to Aiden. “So what are we doing tonight, Ranger? Heading back to your place?”

“No. Not immediately, anyway. I thought we’d grab some dinner and then head over to Bendigo. Their annual charity dance is on, and I bought a couple of tickets.”

Belle leaned sideways and looked under the table. “You’re not wearing steel-capped shoes, Ranger. Bad move.”

I leaned across the table and tried to whack her. She avoided it with a laugh. “Hey, I’ve tried to teach you proper dancing. I still bear the scars.”

“You lie.”

She grinned. “Maybe a little.”

I snorted and glanced at Aiden. “How fancy is this shindig?”

“Not that fancy. I’m going as I am.”

“Cool. I’ll just race upstairs and get ready.”

“Don’t take forever. We’ve a dinner booking for six thirty.”