Surprise ran across her expression. “I was expecting at least a moment of hesitation.”

“Why?” I asked mildly. “If he’s going to enjoy two and a half nights of alcohol and sex, I can’t see why I shouldn’t have a little fun.”

“You say that, and yet your thoughts seethe at the idea of him getting it on with another.”

“I figure enough alcohol will more than drown them out.” I grinned. “Which is not saying I’m about to fall into the arms of the nearest good-looking male and shag him senseless. But I don’t want Aiden thinking I’m willing to hang about and wait, either.”

“Even though you did wait ages for the man to ask you out.”

“That is beside the point.”

She snorted but any reply she might have made was cut off as my phone rang. The tone told me it was Aiden. I jumped up and ran behind the counter to grab it.

Belle filled up her glass then said, “I’ll head upstairs to get ready, and leave you to chat with the man in peace.”

I nodded then hit the answer button. “Hey, how was your day?”

“Long,” he replied. “And about to get longer.”

I frowned at the edge in his voice. “Shouldn’t you be finished work by now?”

“I’m head ranger—the job technically never finishes. Especially when there’s bad news to be delivered.”

I hesitated, and then said, “I take it you’ve identified the skinning victim?”

“Yeah—Jamison O’Connor. He was barely twenty.”

“I’m sorry, Aiden.” I paused again. “Did you know him well?”

“Not well, given the age gap, but he was a good friend of Michael’s.”

Michael being one of his younger brothers. “Had anyone reported him missing?”

“No. But we found his car parked on Byrne’s Road—one of the many small tracks that run along the edges of our compound. His clothes, wallet, and shoes were all neatly stacked on the front seat.”

I frowned. Werewolves didn’t actually need to strip off when they changed. While their ability to shift shape was a DNA adaption, there was still magic in their souls—magic that not only hid the shift from one form to another, but somehow also took care of whatever items they might be wearing or carrying. “Why would he do that?”

“We have no idea. And given the fact he took the time to fold his clothes, it’s not likely he was under any sort of duress at the time.”

No, but he could have been under some sort of spell. Just because I hadn’t sensed anything other than tracking magic on that thread didn’t mean the bracelet, as a whole, couldn’t have been entwined with multiple spells. They were easy enough to do—all you needed was to place each spell on a different piece of twine or ribbon, and then weave them all together.

“It could be worth getting Ashworth to have a look at both his car and his personal items before you hand them back to his parents. There might be enough magical residue left behind for him to get some idea of the witch who made the charm.” Or, at the very least, what sort of spell was being used.

“Once we’ve finished going over the car, we will.” He took a deep breath and released it slowly. “Confronting parents with this sort of news would have to be the hardest damn part of my job.”

“Especially on Christmas Eve, and the start of a major celebration for all three packs.”

“Yes.” He paused. “Speaking of which—”

“I shouldn’t expect to see you for the next couple of days,” I replied. “I know.”

“It’s a tradition, and, as the firstborn child of one of the packs’ alphas, I’m expected—”

“Aiden, you don’t have to explain anything to me. We’re both free agents, and you certainly don’t owe me anything.” The words came out surprisingly even considering how much my stomach was suddenly twisting.

There was a rather lengthy pause. “Right.”

I suddenly wished we were doing this face-to-face rather than over the phone. Wished I could get a feel for what he was thinking and feeling.