“There’s some protein bars in the glove compartment, if you want them.” I climbed into the driver side of my car. “They always help me when a spell has left me so drained.”

He immediately opened the compartment and then chuckled. “There’re not only protein bars here, but a veritable candy store.”

I grinned. “One has to cater for all emergency situations.”

He snorted softly and sorted through the various bars, eventually deciding on a good-for-you protein bar as well as a more regular chocolate and nut bar.

It was well past one by the time we pulled up in front of his and Ira’s new place. I bid him goodbye, watched to ensure he didn’t collapse in weariness before he got inside, and then headed home.

Belle wasn’t home, so I had a quick shower to wash the lingering smell of death and darkness from my skin and then climbed into bed. I was asleep almost before my head hit the pillow.

I woke at seven the following morning but it took a good three cups of coffee before I was really able to get into the day’s prep. I was drinking my fourth and eating a toasted cheese and Vegemite sandwich when Belle finally clattered down the stairs.

“Morning,” she said, sounding altogether too cheerful for someone who’d had less sleep than me.

I raised an eyebrow and propped my feet up on the nearby chair. “And don’t we look like the cat who’s eaten all the cream.”

Which was an echo of exactly what she’d said to me only a few days ago and had her smiling.

“Sadly, no cream has been consumed as yet, but I did meet a rather divine wolf last night and we have a dinner date this evening.” She walked behind the counter and began making herself a cappuccino. “He is, in fact, picking me up at three and taking me to see the Rocky Horror Show in Melbourne. One of his mates had a couple of spare tickets.”

“Meaning you’ll need the afternoon off to make yourself gorgeous.”

“I don’t need all afternoon.” She waved a hand airily. “You forget I already am gorgeous.”

I snorted but didn’t disagree, as it was nothing but the truth. “And does this divine piece of manhood have a name?”

“Raphael Beaumont. He’s here to visit his only sibling for Christmas, as she’s married into the Marin pack.”

The Beaumonts owned one of the two reservations in Queensland, and while it was even smaller than this one, they were the sole occupants. How they’d managed that when so many of the other reservations—including the other reservation in Queensland—hadn’t was something of a mystery. At least to those of us who were human. I daresay the wolves all knew—and, given witches had been involved in the peace pact that had finally settled all three wolf packs into this reservation, the high witch council was more than likely in on the secret as well.

I grinned. “How fortunate that you met a wolf from the very same pack as the one who’d recently dumped you.”

“Said wolf was there last night. I even danced with him.” She leaned her butt against the counter and took a sip of her coffee. “We remain friends but he made his decision and now he has to live with it.”

“Sounds as if he’s already regretting it.”

“He is.” She wrinkled her nose. “But in truth, I understand his decision and why he took the risk. Love is something we all want to find eventually.”

“But until we do, here’s to fine times and finer men.”

She laughed. “Says the woman who took ages to get back into the hunt.”

“But the wait was worth it.” I lowered my feet from the chair and pushed upright. “I’d better go open the back door so the gang can get in.”

“Good idea. I’m not in the mood to cook today.”

We opened an hour later, and the day moved on quickly from there. I didn’t hear from Aiden but that wasn’t surprising given everything that was going on. Belle headed upstairs at two and was picked up at three by Raphael, who was every bit as gorgeous as she’d said.

By four, most the staff had gone and I was just tying up the last bag of rubbish to take out to the bin when someone knocked on the side window. I looked around and saw that it was Frank.

“Forgot my keys,” he said.

I grinned, motioned him to the front door, and walked over to open it.

“Sorry,” he added.

“No problems. Just make sure the door is locked on your way out.”