Her cool gaze swept me. Judged me. “It’s a what rather than who.” She raised the cup and smiled. “I had a set similar to this when I lived in France back in the eighteen hundreds—a pleasant era in which to be a vampire. I suspect its selection was deliberate.”

And I suspected she was even older than what she was admitting. “I do prefer to raise happy memories for our customers.”

“That is a very good business practice.” She took a sip of the tea. “The registrar is an organization that holds the records of every vampire created.”

I blinked. “Is this a government initiative?”

Her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Hardly. Even in this day and age, the government can’t be relied on to protect such explosive information. And in the wrong hands, it could be used to track down and kill every rebirth in Australia.”

“So this organization not

only records a vampire’s existence, it keeps track of their movements?”

“All vampires must be registered, but it does not track their movements. It has no need.”

I frowned. “Then why register them in the first place if not to keep track of their whereabouts?”

“Does not the witch council keep a register of all births, be they full or half-bloods?”

“Well, yes, but more because there are only six lines of witches and there’s a need to keep track of lineage to ensure there’s no chance of close kin marrying.” I sipped my tea then added, “I wouldn’t have thought that to be a problem vampires have.”

“Indeed it is not. The registrar doesn’t track their movements, simply because all vampires must report a location change to ensure there’s no overlap of territory.”

“I’m betting there’re vampires out there who do not obey that rule.” Ours was undoubtedly one of them, otherwise surely this registrar mob would have dealt with him.

“That has certainly happened, but it’s also a situation that is quickly dealt with.”


She smiled. “Let’s just say that the registrar has the means of finding every vampire in existence if they so desire—even those who have gone AWOL.”

“Intriguing.” And smart. Given the precarious position of vampires in the community, having a means of dealing with those vampires who went rogue was totally sensible—even if history suggested they weren’t always dealt with in time to save lives.

“I take it, then, that it was this organization who gave you the information about our vampire?”

She nodded. “As I’m sure you’re aware, it’s very unusual for any vampire to hold such control of magic. That gave them a good starting point, and it didn’t take them too long to find his file.”

I leaned forward and crossed my arms. “And?”

“His name before rebirth was Frederick Waverley. He was transported to Australia at the age of twenty for murdering his cousin in a duel of magic. He became a vampire thirty years later.”

“So he is a witch.” Even if one from the lower houses. “Is there any indication as to why he made the decision to become a vampire? Because that’s a rare step for a witch to take.”

“Why do men do so many things?” Her smile was one of cool amusement. “Of course, vampires by nature are loners and predators. Once he was in full control, he was released, as is our way.”

“Was his maker also a blood witch or sorcerer? Because as a Waverley, he wouldn’t have been born with the power he now has.”

“She was not,” Maelle said. “But it is not uncommon for those who must survive on blood to sometimes use it to enhance their powers in other areas.”

Trepidation stirred. “Have you dabbled in such enhancement?”

Her smile was oddly predatory, even if it held no immediate threat. “I certainly have a small understanding of it, but no more than that. Such study is not without its risks, and I have no desire to fall down that particular rabbit hole.”

“Would madness be one of those risks?”

“Not madness, not as such. But a singularity of thought and inability to think beyond their own wants and needs, yes.”

Singularity of thought was certainly an apt description for Frederick Waverley’s current actions. “Have you any idea how long he was here the first time?”