I frowned. “You will excuse me if this sounds rude, but how in the hell can they even police such an agreement?”

She smiled. It wasn’t an entirely pleasant smile. “You are obviously not up on your vampire history, young lady. I am of the Defour line. Our word, once given, is a binding we cannot break. The council is well aware of this fact.”

“That almost sounds like the binding is one of magic.”

“Indeed. It was—depending on your point of view—either a gift or a curse from a long-ago witch of the Marlowe line.”

A statement that made me wonder if she suspected who I was. But how? Hair color alone wouldn’t have told her much. The crimson color might be a common trait amongst the three blueblood lines, but it wasn’t unusual for it to carry over to the “half-bloods”—those witches born from a union between a blueblood and either a lowborn witch or a common human. And unless they had the ability in life, vampires weren’t telepathic. I’d certainly had no indication that she was rifling through my thoughts and memories, and I would have, given I was still wearing a warding charm.

“If you think I am capable of undoing such a spell,” I said evenly, “you are sorely mistaken.”

“Oh, I am well aware the binding cannot be undone. I have asked greater adepts than yourself many a time over the years.”

“Which places us right back to your reason f

or inviting me up here.”

“Is it not always sensible for one such as I to make my presence known to the local witch?” she asked. “It tends to lessen any misunderstandings that might otherwise occur.”

“I appreciate that politeness, but it is hardly necessary. Witches have been banned from this place.”

“And yet, here you are.”

Again my smile held little in the way of humor. “I’m a charm maker with psychic powers. Nothing more, nothing less.”

“Oh, I think there’s a whole lot more to you than you either wish to see or admit,” she replied, and rose. “I will inform you if I hear anything about the vampire. But I must also warn you that I am, given the terms of my agreement with the council, unable to do anything about him, as much as I might wish otherwise.”

I picked up my drink and stood up. “I’m surprised the council have neither advised you of the vampire’s presence nor come to you for advice.”

Amusement briefly crinkled the corners of her pale eyes. “They undoubtedly will if there is a second kill, but most vampires who prefer a full meal rather than a mere sip generally tend to hit and run.”

“I don’t think this vampire has any intention of running.”

“If he has shared blood, I would agree.” She made a rather regal motion toward the stairwell. “Thank you for indulging me, Ms. Grace. I look forward to having another chat with you soon.”

It was a statement that had trepidation flaring fierce and hard again. But I forced a pleasant smile, said a polite goodbye, and headed out. Her pale assistant opened the door once I reached the bottom of the stairs, and Belle met me near the bar with another cocktail. I downed the remains of my first one and then repeated the process with the second. A warm buzz flooded my body, chasing away the cold threads of dread.

“Want another?” Belle asked, as she plucked the second glass from my grip.

I shook my head. “Not unless you want me dancing naked on the bar.”

She grinned. “I might not, but it could be an interesting experience for our ranger.”

“What? He’s here?” I glanced around but couldn’t immediately spot him—not surprising, given the place was packed.

“I saw him talking to the bar staff. It appears he’s here for the same reason we are.”

“Except he has no idea this place is run by a vampire.” I stepped around her and headed for a vacant stool. The alcohol buzz was getting stronger. Perhaps downing both drinks in such quick succession wasn’t such a bright idea.

“Are you going to tell him?”

“It’s not my place.”

“It’s not our place to be trying to find this vampire, either, but that hasn’t stopped us.”

“That’s because we have five hundred reasons a day to do so.” I frowned at her. “Where’s your werewolf friend? I’m in need of some water.”

She propped beside me and then waved her hand. Zak appeared a few seconds later. “What can I get for you, lovely ladies?”