This place needed a witch, and it had to be someone far more capable than me. Only the truly powerful could protect and guide wild magic, and as my parents had been wont to tell me on numerous occasions, I was seriously lacking in that department.

But if the ranger’s reaction to me was anything to go by, then the one thing that this place desperately needed was the one thing it wasn’t about to get.

So where did that leave us?

Up that well-known creek without a paddle, Belle said cheerfully. Which is not a situation we’re unfamiliar with.

It certainly wasn’t. We might have lived life more or less on the run for the last twelve years, but as much as we’d tried to avoid any sort of situation that would draw attention to ourselves, we seemed to have an uncanny knack for doing the exact opposite.

Perhaps this is fate’s way of telling us enough is enough, she mused. It’s not as if changing our surnames would really have stopped your family from finding you if they’d been truly determined.

That was an undeniable truth—and one that still caused me pain in the deepest part of the night.

The door opened as the ranger returned. His gaze swept the room before coming to rest on mine. There was little evidence of emotion in either his expression or his eyes, but I nevertheless felt the impact of it like a blow to the gut.

And I wasn’t entirely sure if it was the unhappiness staining his aura, or something else.

Something like an unneeded, unwanted, attraction to the damn man.

Because really, how stupid would that be?

It’s hardly stupid to be attracted to a good-looking man, Belle said.

Yes, but this one hates witches.

Hatred has little hope against lust, she said. And I’m speaking from experience here.

There’s no indication of lust, let alone attraction on his part, I replied. Besides, I’ve sworn off men and relationships after that mess in Birdwood, remember?

As I’ve repeatedly said, Kyle was a sack of shit who proved himself unworthy of your emotions.

A fact that doesn’t alter my determination to avoid relationships of any kind for the foreseeable future.

I’m not talking about relationships, but rather sex. A hot, heavy fling will do your soul a world of good.

Belle, just drop it.

Seriously, she continued blithely, there’s a very fine line between love and hate. Once he gets to know you a little better, he could slip over that ledge and good things could happen.

Knowing any answer would only encourage her musings further, I ignored her and crossed my arms—which was a thoroughly defensive gesture, though against what I wasn’t entirely sure. “Anything wrong, Ranger?”

“Marjorie confirmed your story.”

“And that’s a problem?”

“No. You’re free to go. Just don’t leave Castle Rock, as we’ll probably need to speak to you again.” He stepped to one side and made a sweeping motion toward the door. “And I’ve confiscated both your knife and your potions.”

Meaning it was just as well I hadn’t decided to take my athame with me. I walked toward him. “I’ve been thinking about the situation and Tomme, and I believe—”

“You are not to involve yourself in this investigation in any way, shape, or form,” he said, voice sharp. “Is that clear?”

I nodded. “But—”

“But nothing,” he practically growled. “If I discover any interference on your part, I’ll throw your butt in jail so fast your head will spin.”

I took a deep breath and slowly released it, but once again it failed to ease the annoyance. At least I’d tried to warn him. Not that that would help if the situation escalated, and I had a bad feeling it would.

“Fine.” On your head be it. “But if anything strange happens, anything that might involve magic—”