But Camille was right. Lenny's mind was little more than a garbled, gray wasteland, suggesting Lenny himself was operating more on automatic pilot than any real thought processes. Michael withdrew and met Camille's grim look. “Nothing."

"As I expected."

As he'd expected. A lot of planning had gone into the attack, and whoever was behind it wouldn't be careless enough to leave vital information hanging about in a mind as weak as Lenny's. “He's still living in that Massachusetts Street apartment?"

"Yes, but I wouldn't advise you going there. It's you they want." He smiled grimly. “Marcus is one death too many. I'm not going to let anyone else fall for me."

"It may be what they're waiting for."

"And it may be the last thing they expect.” Either way, he had to take the chance. He'd learned a long time ago the best way to reveal a hunter was by allowing himself to be hunted. More often than not the thought of easy prey led the hunter into making a mistake or revealing himself. Camille raised an eyebrow. “And what will you tell Nikki?"

"The truth.” Another thing he'd learned the hard way was that when it came to Nikki, anything other than the truth often had disastrous consequences—like her stepping into the middle of the very firefight he was trying to keep her out of. When she'd set her mind on a particular course of action, stubborn didn't even begin to describe her. But as much as it annoyed him, it was also one of the many things he loved about her.

He rose, offered Camille a hand and helped her to her feet. “Are you going to brief Seline?"

"Yep, after I tend to this piece of shit.” She sharply toed Lenny's thigh. “If you're going to search his place, I'd do it right away, before those behind him sense anything is wrong."

"My thinking exactly.” He stepped around Camille and headed for the door.

"Watch for traps,” Camille called after him. “This is far from over."

"That much I do know."

"And tell that girl of yours she passed."

He smiled. At least some good had come out of this whole mess. He took the stairs down to the fifth level and walked the length of the white corridor to the medical center. Jake was pacing the length of the small waiting room, and he looked around as Michael entered.

"She's being examined in two,” he said.

Michael nodded his thanks and continued on. Nikki's gaze met his as he pushed through the door, her relief a warm sigh through his mind.

"Anything?” she asked.

He shook his head and glanced at the doctor. “What's the verdict, Mike?" The gray-haired doctor glanced at him over horn-rimmed spectacles. “She fine. Several loose teeth she might want to see about, but other than that, just bruises and cuts."

"So there's no need to keep her in observation?"

"No,” Mike said.

"No,” Nikki echoed, eyes flashing dangerously.

He smiled and twined his fingers through hers, then he raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. “Then we have a job to do."

She hopped off the bed and grabbed her sweater with her free hand. “What job?"

"Lenny didn't give us anything. We'll have to check his apartment."

"We meaning you, me and Jake?"

He nodded. Even if he didn't need their help, he doubted he'd keep Jake away any more than he would Nikki. “I can't cross a threshold uninvited, remember?"

She grinned and stepped close to brush a kiss across his lips. She winced even as she did it. “Oww. That hurts."

He slid an arm around her waist, pressing her lithe body against his, drinking in the heat of her, the smell of her—sweat intermingled with cinnamon, sunshine and honey. “Then I shall have to find other places to kiss.” He brushed his mouth down her long neck. Her pulse raced against his lips, an intoxicating sensation that called to the man in him rather than the vampire. Desire flooded the link between them. With her breasts pressed so snugly against his chest, he couldn't help being aware of her arousal, just as she was no doubt aware of his. He wished they were home. Wished he could give in to passion's flame. Hoped he had an eternity to feel this way. But right now, they had work to do.

He stepped back. Her gaze scooted down his body and a cheeky smile tugged her lips. “Keep that thought until later."

"I intend to.” He tugged his shirt out of his jeans to hide his erection and led her toward the exit. Jake fell into step beside them. “So, where are we off to?" Michael smiled. “Lenny's place."