Michael leaned against the wall and watched the elevator numbers rise. When he'd finally calmed down enough to open the link between them, he found it locked down just as tight from her end. Nor had she argued when he'd curtly ordered her back to the hotel. Which undoubtedly meant she was furious, though why, he had no idea. She was the one risking her life with acts of stupidity. He took a deep breath, crossing his arms as the elevator came to a halt on their floor. Nikki stepped out alone, which surprised him. He'd half expected her to drag Jake along to help argue her case. She hesitated when her gaze met his, and anger singed the air between them. Then her gaze slithered away, and the anger disappeared. Or rather, was re-shuttered.

"You had a key,” she snapped. “You didn't have to wait for me."

"I know I didn't,” he replied evenly. “I wanted to."

"Didn't trust me to do as ordered, huh?” She swiped her key card through the slot then shoved open the door.

"I just wanted to make sure you got here safely."

"Likely story.” She threw off her coat and stalked over to the minibar. “Can't have the little woman straying too far off the leash now, can we?"

His own anger rose again. “Damn it, Nikki, I had every right to be furious. What you were trying to do was stupid and dangerous, and you know it."

"What I was trying to do was my job!” She grabbed a soda out of the fridge and slammed the door shut.

“I am a private investigator, in case you've conveniently forgotten that."

"You also know how dangerous it is trying to enter someone's mind like that. Especially when the man who attacked that person has a psychic connection to both of you." She popped the top off the soda. Froth bubbled over the lip and dripped onto her shoes. She didn't seem to notice. Or maybe she just didn't care.

"So I should just sit around and do nothing?"

He clenched his fists, then flexed them when he realized what he was doing. “I'm not saying—"

"Yes, you are,” she bit back. “You don't want me using my talents if you're not there. You don't want me and Jake investigating without you coming along. So tell me, what else am I supposed to do?"

"What you're not supposed to do is run off and try some stupid stunt without me!” His voice had risen slightly, despite his efforts to keep calm. “Do you realize your actions have basically destroyed any chance we have of getting information from Dale's memories? Farmer made sure he blurred them into an indecipherable mess. If there was ever a chance of finding a clue, it's gone now." Tears touched her eyes and were just as quickly blinked away. He half reached out to comfort her, despite the fury that still chased through him, but she spun away, moving to the other side of the room.

"Don't,” she said flatly.

He raised an eyebrow, confused. “Don't what?"

"Don't touch me, don't kiss me. I won't be sidetracked, not this time." Exasperation rose. “I wasn't trying—"

"Like hell. It's a ploy you've used many times before when the conversation turns to a topic you don't like."

He stared at her for a minute then strode across to the refrigerator to get a drink himself—but something far stronger than a soda.

"I have no intention of sidetracking the conversation today, believe me.” He poured himself a bourbon and added a few ice cubes.

"At least we've reached agreement on something, then." He took a drink and turned to her again. “Farmer is a vampire,” he said, keeping his voice flat. “He's not a fledgling, and he could overpower you in a second flat. Especially when you've overextended your abilities, as you did today."

She returned his gaze defiantly. “Jasper took longer than a minute to overpower me, and I'd certainly extended my abilities that day."

Yes, she had. And she'd damn near died because of it. “It was nearing dawn when Jasper attacked. It had weakened him."

"Yet it still took the two of us to take him down.” She hesitated, glaring at him. “It was teamwork that killed Jasper that day. You do know what teamwork is, don't you?" He clenched the glass so hard his hand was shaking, and liquid splashed over his fingers. “Sarcasm will get you nowhere."

"Neither will trying to talk sanely and rationally on this matter, apparently."

"Damn it, are you trying to get yourself killed?” His voice rose several notches.


"Then why insist on joining me on Circle missions? You're not a killer, Nikki, and that is what I do. I kill. I murder them in cold blood, and then I walk away. Is that what you're so anxious to become a part of?" Her face paled, but her chin still rose. “If that's all you do, then why did you save my life in that old house near the park? We hadn't even met then, so I meant nothing to you. It would have been easy to kill Jasper if he'd been distracted by feeding off my body. And why did you agree to send Rachel to the Circle to see if she could be saved if all you ever do is kill the bad things and walk away?"

"Neither of those were exactly normal cases."

"How would I know when you won't even discuss what you do with me?"