I mean there's a Loop of vamps nearby.

What in hell is a Loop?

It's a term for fledglings who were all basically created around the same time. They tend to flock together.

I thought fledglings couldn't control their bloodlust enough to hang around with anyone but their master?

The newly risen can't. But these have a few years on them and, while the bloodlust still reigns, common sense is beginning to reassert itself. There is safety in numbers. What sort of numbers are we talking about?


We've already destroyed six of his vampires. How many of these so called Loops has he made?

Quite a few, by the look of it. Our boy appears to like his harems. Bile rose in her throat. What are we going to do?

Nothing much we can do. I doubt if the police will be too pleased if you suddenly lose direction. Besides which, we have to free Anne Harris.

Yes. He hesitated. She lives. I can hear the frantic sound of her pulse. So could she, through the necklace. Only the sensation came with flashes of horror—fragmented memories of what the vamps had done to her. Repeatedly.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Could you go rescue her before we get there?

I could—but I prefer not to. I don't think Farmer has realized you're not working alone. I prefer to keep it that way for as long as possible.


Because he'll undoubtedly change his method of attack once he realizes you have a vampire protecting you.

"All clear down here,” a distant voice said. “Start climbing down. You first, Miss James." She did. She stepped off the ladder and into inch-thick muck. The air had a slightly damp, fishy smell, and the darkness was lifted only by the lonely flashlight beams. She clicked hers on and swung it around. Graffiti greeted her—angry scrawls and disjointed pictures—representing God knew what.

"Where now?” the Fed said once the last of the officers was down.

"That way.” She pointed to the darkness on her left.

In single file, they began moving through the darkness. Some of the tunnels were so damn small they had to almost bend over double. Others seemed to soar high above them. And all the while the pulsing got stronger, until the agitated beat of Anne's heart was a rhythm that matched her own.


Here. His mind voice was a whisper that breathed warmth past her ear. Darkness brushed across her fingers, searing heat deep.>"Not clever enough, obviously. I have no idea why I'm here."

"Revenge. You will suffer, as you made me suffer, all those years ago."

"We've never met."

"Yes, we have. And when you remember, I'll savor the taste of fear in your thoughts." The darkness around her stirred as if restless. The breathing was heavier, almost needy. Her mouth was dry, her throat aching, and her heart drumming a million miles an hour.

"In the meantime,” he continued, “I do believe you are overdressed for what we intend next. Mike, Ray, remedy that please."

Figures merged from the darkness, bloody hands reaching for her. Despite her vow, she screamed...

* * * *

...Nikki scrambled to her feet and ran for the kitchen. For the next few minutes, she leaned over the sink, throwing up the coffee and doughnut she'd eaten in the cab on the way over. Warm hands touched her shoulders, squeezing gently, then Michael leaned past her and turned on the tap. He wet his hands and gently patted moisture across the back of her neck, then her forehead.

"Are you all right?"

She nodded and reached for a cup, filling it with water. She rinsed her mouth, then turned around and rested her cheek against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and simply held her. I'm glad you kept the full impact of that from me. It would have been bad, otherwise. It may be the way we have to proceed with this gift of yours—at least until you gain some semblance of control over it.

I'm not sure if it's something I'll ever be able to fully control. Those images were coming at me before I'd even touched that necklace. I didn't even have to really reach. Which is a worrying aspect. He brushed a kiss across the top of her head. Our client grows restless. She lifted her cheek from his chest and leaned back against the sink. He'd be more than restless if he knew what was happening to his wife right now.