Michael didn't glance at her, but she knew he was thinking the same thing she was: Vampires couldn't enter a private residence unless asked, so there was no way in hell they could have climbed through that window to kidnap her.

"Did you have any odd callers during the week? A salesman, perhaps, that insisted you invite him in?”

she asked.

Harris shook his head. “Though we did have to call the plumber during the week because our hot water heater stopped working."

She shared a glance with Michael. “What time of day did the plumber arrive?" Harris frowned. “Evening. We were both out during the day, and it was dark by the time we got back."

"And he was the only stranger you let into the house?"


"Do you keep your hot water heater in the house or the garage?” Michael asked.

"The house. Why?"

"Do you mind if I take a look?"

Harris’ frown deepened, though he shrugged. “Sure. It's through that door there.” He pointed toward a door to their right.

Michael squeezed Nikki's fingers then released her hand and headed for the door.

"Hey,” a police officer said, “Where are—"

Power slithered through the air. The officer's words died, and he turned and walked to the window, staring outside. Michael's gaze met hers, almost challengingly. She didn't say anything, and after a moment he disappeared through the door Harris had indicated.

A blue suit approached. If he noticed Michael's absence, he made no mention of it. Maybe Michael had touched his mind, too. She crossed her arms and tried to ignore the rising tide of annoyance. He was right. There were times, like this, when it was simply easier to control everyone's thoughts. It sure beat answering difficult questions.

"There's no way you could define the search?” the Fed asked.

"As I said, not unless I take you there—and I'll need the necklace as a guide. I feel her vibes through it.”

She glanced at Harris as the older man looked set to protest. “I'll return it, of course." He shut his mouth and nodded. She looked away, disgusted. God, what did he think she was going to do? Run away with the stupid thing? How idiotic would that be, especially when she was going to be surrounded by Feds and cops?

There's no entrance into the room with the water heater, Michael said. Though I'd bet the plumber was a vampire.

"Miss James, are you able to try locating the tunnel for us now?"

"Yeah, sure.” She pushed away from the sink and headed into the living room to retrieve the plastic bag she'd dropped earlier. Michael? What are you going to do?

I think I saw a sewer grate just up the street. When you go outside, lift the lid. I'll dive into the sewers and try to navigate my way to wherever you end up.

What about the police?

I'll move too fast for them to see me.

And the sun?

He hesitated . You'll have to treat me gently tonight. I'll be sunburned. What about using sun block?

Sun block?

Yeah, you know, that greasy white stuff we human's smear all over our skin to prevent sunburn. Harris is bound to have some in his bathroom.

I'm on my way to check.

She smiled. You mean to say that in over three hundred years of existence, you've never thought to use sun block?