She slowly walked around him. On the back of his jean jacket were his gang colors— The Shadows. A somewhat appropriate name for a vampire gang. She finished her tour and stopped in front of him. His eyes were small and mean looking, his mouth thin and petulant.

He showed no sign of realizing she was there. She frowned, wondering why—then remembered she was wearing Seline's charm. She retreated, took it off, then went back into the bedroom. His image came to life almost immediately.

"So.” His voice didn't match his tough appearance, tending to be high, almost feminine. “We finally meet."

"We're not exactly meeting."

His smile revealed bloodied canines. A chill ran down her back. God, don't let that blood be Mary's ... or Michael's.

"I suppose, technically, you're right. But we will meet in person soon, have no fear of that." She had plenty of fears about that. She crossed her arms, suddenly glad this image wasn't real. At least Farmer couldn't taste her apprehension. Couldn't hear the rapid pounding of her pulse.

"What do you want, Farmer?"

"I suppose you know I have your lover?"

She nodded tightly.

"What you probably don't know is that I also have the woman you consider your second mother." She kept her face stony. Disbelieving. They needed to buy time. Needed to make Farmer believe they didn't believe. “Bullshit. We sent her away on a plane this morning."

"I'm afraid I just couldn't let that happen. Not when I had so many delicious plans for her." God, if Mary had been a captive of this madman since this morning, there was no saying what sort of condition they'd find her in now. He may have been taking his time with his earlier victims, but time was the one thing running out on him now. He may have decided to just do her quick ... Bile rose in her throat, and she swallowed heavily.

"I don't believe you,” she said, forcing her voice to remain flat. “It was daylight. Neither you nor your fledglings can move around in the sun."

Farmer chuckled. It was a cold sound that churned her already agitated stomach.

"Ah, but I didn't have to breach the sun's barrier. I just took over the mind of another and had him kidnap her for me."

She clenched her fists, fighting the urge to smack the image's smug smile from his face. “You're just playing mind games, you bastard."

"Actually, no. Both my parents were married.” He snorted softly at his own joke. His image wavered as he shifted his stance, and electricity stirred the tiny hairs along her arms. “However, perhaps you should call her friend in Long Beach and check. And call the airlines while you're at it, just to see that she didn't board another flight."

"I will, believe me."

His smile widened. His canines were wicked points that dug past his bottom lip. She rubbed her arms, but it didn't stop the goose bumps fleeing across her skin.

"Good. Then think about the decision you must make. I will let you save one. The other I will destroy. You will have an hour to decide, then I'll reappear to hear your decision." His image faded a little, then flickered back to full strength. “Oh, and remember, I know everything you do, so don't think you can mount a rescue attempt for either of them without me knowing. You move from that hotel room, and I'll kill them both. Clear?"

"Clear,” she murmured between clenched teeth.

His image disappeared just as Jake walked into the room. “What was that?"

"Message from Farmer. We've got an hour, then he's going to kill either Mary or Michael.” Though she seriously doubted Farmer had any intention of letting her save even one. Jake took a deep, shuddering breath. “At least that means they're both currently alive."

"Hopefully. Did you manage to find some sort of safe house?" He nodded. “Friend of mine owns a boat. It's ours for the next couple of days.” He handed her a business card with all the details scrawled on the back.

She slipped it into her pocket. “Did you find something of Mary's?"


He placed the white garment in her hand. Almost instantly images assaulted her, hitting her mind so hard she staggered back several steps.

Jake grabbed her arm. “What's wrong?"

"Nothing.” She flicked the bra out of her palm, holding it by her fingertips near the catch. The flood slowed to a trickle of shadows that, at least, she could cope with.

"Is there a problem with the bra?"

"No. I was just caught off guard by the sheer power of the images.” She moved out into the living room and sat down on one of the sofas. Placing the bra on the coffee table, she grimly met Jake's look. “This is going to be extremely dangerous. If the images I got just then were any indication, the minute I try to find where she is, I'm going to link right into her mind. Which means I'll be seeing and feeling everything she does."