No problems?

A couple. One of the young vamps who attacked Nikki at the warehouse turned up at the airport, but he melted away before we could question him much.

You're slipping, Michael. You don't usually let fledglings get the better of you. He snorted softly. Jasper had gotten the best of him for more years than he cared to remember. But he couldn't really regret that because if it hadn't been for Jasper he wouldn't have met Nikki. He didn't get away, Seline. He melted, literally.

Surprise rippled down the telepathic line. That's not possible. Well, apparently it is.

Her amusement shimmered. My, don't we sound a little testy tonight. What's wrong—have a lover's tiff, did we?

Irritation swept through him. The last thing he needed right now was Seline dissecting his love life—not that he had one to dissect.

Ever heard of anything like that happening before?

Spontaneous melting? No, but I'll do a search through the files, see what I come up with. Anything else happen?

She was referring to events with Nikki, even if she didn't come out and say it. But that was something he had no intention of discussing. The old witch thought him a coward, too—something else she hadn't yet come out and said.

Yes. We came in with a couple who might just be our next victims. I want you to do a search on Lucas Rodeman—and pay particular attention to his wife, Ginger. He didn't bother describing them. Seline would see their images in his mind.

You suspect her?

Yes, and for two reasons. I couldn't touch her thoughts—or rather, there was nothing there to touch. You're the strongest telepath I've ever met, Michael. That shouldn't be possible. Shouldn't be, but it was. Up until now, Nikki had been the only other person he'd never been able to fully read.

There's more. Nikki did a reading on her and saw images of a man calling forth fire from rocks. She says Ginger isn't human, that she's a part of this place, neither good nor bad. Is Nikki clairvoyant? I know you said she has psychic abilities. Yes, but her fields are psychometry and telekinesis. And the fact that she had read Ginger had him worried. Developing a new psychic ability at her age was almost unheard of. Keep an eye on her, Michael. It's unusual for something like that to be suddenly happening. Seline hesitated slightly. How much do you really know about thralls? Could it have something to do with that?

I don't think so. The original intent of a thrall was a servant, and only eternal life is given. Besides, I'm not clairvoyant, so it's hardly something she'd pick up in the transfer. No, but you didn't make Nikki a thrall to make her a servant. You did it to save her life. Perhaps that is the difference.

That still doesn't explain why she's suddenly developed this extra ability. No. Seline's unease sang down the line, and only succeeded in increasing his own. It may only be a singular event. It may not be a new talent emerging.

Her tone told him she didn't really think this was the case, and neither did he. I'll do a search on thralls, see what I can find, she continued. And I'll check what entities we might have living in that area.>"We will. Thank you.” Relief surged through Michael as the two of them left. He glanced down at Nikki again, removing the damp cloth from her forehead. “Are you okay?" She met his gaze, her dark amber eyes glinting with gold in the car light. “Ginger was lying through her teeth. She's not only been here before, but she is here. She's a part of this land, a part of this place." He raised his eyebrows. “Do you mean spiritually connected or physically connected?” The two had far different implications.

She frowned. “Both."

"You folks need help getting out?” the chauffeur said, poking his face in the doorway.

"No. We're fine,” Michael said, and could have killed the driver when Nikki sat up. He hadn't wanted to lose the moment of closeness so soon.

"Let's get this show on the road,” she murmured, tucking her hair back behind her ears. She flashed him a grin that was pure cheek. “Ready, dear husband?"

So the battle lines had been drawn. Michael smiled slightly. He'd had over three hundred years of practice resisting temptation and the needs of his heart, but in all that time, he'd never met anyone like Nikki.

And even though this was one battle he couldn't afford to lose, he had a sudden feeling that he just might.

Chapter Ten

Nikki climbed out of the limousine and breathed deep. The night air was crisp, laced with balsam and other scents she couldn't quite define. Lights blazed in the resort's lobby, a warmth that was beckoning, inviting. The hotel seemed to rise out of the land itself, the lobby a mix of stone and wood that flowed from a natural outcropping of rock and became a building.

Michael touched her back, and warmth crept down her spine.

"Ready?” he said, his gaze meeting hers.

Wariness warred with amusement in the dark depths of his eyes. She wondered why. “As I'll ever be." She slipped her arm through his and felt tension slither through his muscles. He wasn't as relaxed with this situation as he liked to appear. And she was going to make sure he got a damn sight more uncomfortable, unless he came to his senses.

A porter collected their bags and led them toward the main entrance. Twenty steps swept them down into a lobby area that simply took her breath away. The walls were made of redwood, as was the ceiling, which seemed to soar far above her. Sandstone pillars supported it yet in no way dominated the room. Directly opposite the stairs, a two-story high wall of windows stared out over the dark plains. By day, she had no doubt that they'd provide amazing views over the nearby ring of mountains. Even though it was the middle of summer, flames danced in the sandstone fireplaces to the left and right of the entrance, lending the room a welcoming amber glow.

"I'm glad I'm not paying for this,” she muttered. It was doubtful if even the agency's travel account would offer enough to stay here more than a couple of nights.

"Nothing but the best for you, my love,” he said and squeezed her hand. Surprised more by the warmth in his voice than the words themselves, she looked up. His gaze flickered to the right in warning. Ginger was standing near one of the pillars, watching them. She looked ... different, somehow. A little taller, a little fuller, and a lot more color in her skin. Definitely someone to keep an eye on, Nikki thought. As was Rodeman. She had a suspicion he was slated to be the next ultra-rich guy to go missing. But just how deeply was Ginger involved in the scheme? Was she merely bait, or something more?