She nodded. Whether she obeyed or not was another matter entirely. It depended on what happened. He stepped into the cell, then stopped, looking around. She could see his tension in the set of his shoulders, feel it thundering through the link.

He took a second step. No sound, no soft click, no rush of evil to indicate something wicked was headed their way. But her hands were clenched so hard her knuckles were beginning to ache. Rodeman has been drugged. His pulse has a sluggish feel.

And the magic you sensed?

Close by somewhere.

Be careful, please

Warmth flashed through the link. Don't worry. I'm not that easy to get rid of. He took another step forward. It was one step too many. Without warning, the ground disappeared, and Michael dropped like a stone into the darkness.

Chapter Twenty

Michael! She lunged forward, dropping full length to the ground and peering over the hole's edge. It was so dark her flashlight barely penetrated more than a few feet. Wind rose steadily, a stream strong enough to blow her hair backwards.

Michael! Are you okay? Can you hear me?

Yes. He hesitated, and pain slithered through the link, through her. It feels like I've twisted my damn ankle.

His mind voice was distant. The hole was obviously very deep. Where are you?

God knows. I'm hip deep in water. It probably saved me from greater injury. I'll lift you up kinetically.

No. His sharpness stung her mind. I've seen what lifting the weight of a human can do to you. Get Rodeman and get out of the tunnels. I'll go after Cordell alone. Michael, you can't—

Damn it, we have no choice now. I haven't survived three hundred and sixty years without being careful. I'll be okay.

Elizabeth had been around a lot longer than that, and yet she was now under Cordell's control. What made Michael think he would fair any differently?

I'm still wearing Seline's charm, Nikki. I'll be okay. I'm more worried about leaving you alone up there.

Then forget Cordell and come back to me!

Cordell has to be my first priority. We have to stop him if we can. I know, I know. But knowing didn't mean she had to accept it willingly. Just make sure you come back alive.

A little hard, considering I'm already dead.

She grinned. You know what I mean.


The link flared to full life and his mind entwined hers, caressing her soul with such love and caring that tears stung her eyes. She blinked them away rapidly. She didn't want to lose him, and yet she had a feeling she might if he wasn't very careful. Damn it, she couldn't just leave him alone down there. Somehow, she had to find him and help him.

He sighed. Don't. Look after Rodeman. I'll be okay.


No buts. Promise me you'll do as I ask. I need to know you're safe so I can concentrate wholly on Cordell.

Okay. I promise. Not to come after you until after I've made sure Rodeman is safe, she added silently. Be careful. I'll see you later.

You'd better. She hesitated, biting her lip. Love you. His smile shimmered through the link. And I you. Be safe, Nikki. The link died. She rose and dusted the dirt from her shirt and jeans. Overhead, the flame imp hovered, its color still wavering between red and blue, deepening the shadows filling the cell's far corners.

"I wish you could damn well talk,” she muttered. “I'd love to know what you know." Gold flickered across the red, pulsating quickly. Maybe it could understand her, even if it couldn't talk. Stepping around the hole, she headed towards Rodeman. The millionaire lay stretched out on the bed, his hands tied to the headboard. His color was awful—his skin looked gray and sweat beaded his forehead. She squatted next to him and felt for a pulse. Michael was right; it was sluggish. She frowned and touched his face. His skin burned. He's sick, she thought, and wondered if he'd had a stroke or something.

She pinched his cheek. “Mr. Rodeman? Can you hear me?"

He didn't stir. Didn't bat an eyelid. Great, she thought. What in the hell was she going to do now? The man had indulged in too much of the good life, and there was no way on this Earth she could lift his rotund figure.