“But I know for a certainty it will increase should you become a part of my world. You mean too much to me to take such a risk."

Then they were at an impasse—again. Yet the flame of hope flared brighter in her soul. The more they talked about it, the more she could make him see she knew and accepted the risks that were such a major part of his life.

She walked over to her bag and dug out the small flashlight she'd packed, then picked up Matthew's watch. Images teased the outer reaches of her mind, flashes of color and emotions that sent chills running down her spine. There was something very wrong in the taste of those images—something dark and deadly. She licked her lips and glanced at Michael. “Ready when you are."

"Keep close,” he warned again, and offered his hand.

Right now, she had no intention of doing anything else. She wrapped her fingers in the safety of his and followed him from the room.

* * * *

They entered the tunnels from the ledge entrance they'd discovered earlier. Nikki eyed the darkness warily, fear stirring in the pit of her stomach. With no sunlight to warm or guide them, and the heat of the day still seeping from the rocks, they might have been entering hell itself. And she couldn't shake the sudden feeling that hell was what would greet them further in. Michael squeezed her hand. The link flared to life, and warmth wrapped around her, a cocoon of strength and courage.

Why? she asked. Why block her, and why open it now?

I cannot sense anyone near, but we dare not make much sound. Better to use the link than talk. That wasn't what I asked.

No. His sigh was a cool breeze that tempered the warmth in the link. The link strengthens every time we use it.

That might be true, but she suspected the real reason he kept the link blocked most of the time was because, with the link open, he could not hide behind words. She could see the truth in the color of the emotions flowing from his thoughts to hers.

Meaning, the more you use it, the less you'll be able to block me?

He hesitated, then answered almost reluctantly. Yes.

She grinned. At least I now know where the next line of assault should be. You're incorrigible. His amusement shimmered around her. I'm also headstrong and stubborn and very bad-tempered in the mornings before I get my coffee. And I'm in love with the most muleheaded man I have ever met in my entire life. And he loves you, even if he doesn't want you in his life. She stopped dead, pulling him to a halt as well. That's the first time you've actually said you loved me. Why couldn't he have said it while they were in their room, when she could see him, see his eyes?

You don't need to see my eyes, Nikki. You never have. His smile danced through her heart. He touched her face, cupping her cheek. You knew what I felt. You have always known. Maybe. But it's nice to hear it said occasionally. She turned her face into his hand and kissed his palm. As much as I would love to discuss this matter further, I think we'd better keep moving. Yes. He pulled his hand away and continued on. The darkness closed in around them, and the air was still, stale smelling. They were headed downward, and the chill gradually increased. She shivered and wished she'd put on a sweater. But at least there was no sense of evil. Maybe Cordell wasn't back yet. She touched the watch in her pocket. Sensations vibrated through her. Hunger and need, similar to a vampire's and yet not. Nikki frowned, unsure what that meant exactly. We're coming up to that three-way split in the tunnel, Michael said. Do we go left or straight on?

She studied the darkness for several seconds, even though the answer throbbed clearly through her fingers. The air felt heavy and the silence intense. There was still no indication that Cordell or any of his cohorts were here, but something felt wrong.

Can you sense anyone?

Power shimmered bright enough to burn should she attempt to grasp it. Michael, searching the night, looking for the dangers she could feel.

Nothing, he said eventually. You?

Not a person ... just something. Maybe it's just nerves.

Maybe. Doubt filtered through the link. Which way?

Left. I don't think Matthew's far.

He tugged her on. The path became uneven. Stones scooted away from her feet, rattling across the silence. She bit her lip but resisted the urge to turn on the flashlight. Cordell might not be near, but something was. Turning on the light might only force into action whatever stood out there in the darkness watching them.

They made their way slowly through the blanket of night. The closer they got to Matthew, the stronger the pulsing in the watch became. Images flicked brightly through her mind, recalling moments of sweat and sex and loathing. Matthew and Elizabeth had been intimate, if the visions were anything to go by. At least one wish had come true for the teenager, and she hoped the price he'd had to pay wasn't too high—though she had a bad feeling this wasn't the case.

Goose bumps chased their way across her skin. She rubbed her arm with her free hand and uneasily studied the cloak of darkness past Michael's shoulders. It was still there, still watching them—whatever it was. Would it do anything more than watch? She couldn't say, and that worried her. I can sense only Matthew, Nikki. He's alone, just ahead.

No sign of Rodeman?

Not in this section of tunnels.

Damn. That meant they'd have to come back once they got Matthew out. It was a prospect she didn't look forward to. Michael stopped. Her vision flared, seeming to expand again. Suddenly a door appeared in the darkness, its metal hinges and latch glowing with icy brightness. Her stomach churned. Her night sight had never been like this—at least not until Michael had shared his life force with her. I can see a door.

Amusement shimmered around her. So can I.

No, I mean I can see it so well it's almost glowing. And yet I can barely see you, and I certainly can't see the damn walls. Even though they were so close she could reach out and touch them. You've always had good night vision—you told me that not long ago. But not like this. Never like this.