"What just happened? How can someone simply melt away like that?" Though his dark gaze was emotionless, his unease surged briefly down the link between them. “They say the human body is ninety-percent water. I guess melting is not beyond the realms of possibility."

"Obviously, seeing it just happened.” Sarcasm bit through her words. She crossed her arms and glared at him. “But my real question is how ? Melting is not something often attached to the human condition, you know."

He shrugged, studying the empty uniform and puddled water, all that remained of the younger vampire. “I think we're dealing with some form of black magic."

She blinked. “Magic?"

He nodded. “I'll have to talk to Seline, since she's the expert in that field. But it really happened too quickly for it to be anything else."

" Magic?” she repeated dumbly.

He glanced at her, amusement flitting through his eyes. “It's as real as vampires, and just as dangerous." Fear rose, squeezing her throat tight. “Then whoever's behind all this knows we're here. They killed him to stop him talking."

"I doubt it. Even in the terminal, he didn't look well. Whatever happened to him was happening then, I think.">"Not what I would have chosen,” she muttered. She slipped it on her finger, then held out her hand, studying it. The diamond crusted ring looked huge on her. “Ugly. I hope you didn't choose this monstrosity."

"No, that's Seline's doing, and part of the cover.” If he ever gave Nikki a ring, it certainly wouldn't be made of diamonds or gold. It would be simple, carved from the stone of his birthplace, Eire. Like the ring he wore on his right hand—the ring his grandfather had made. A ring made from the heart. She glanced back to the folder. “Oh great,” she continued after a few moments. “I not only have bad taste in rings, but I'm a gold-digger as well."

"Nine of the fifteen people who have disappeared from the resort had marriages that could be classified as dubious—huge age discrepancies or vastly different socioeconomic backgrounds."

"So? Old rich guys marry dumb, busty women all the time. If you ask me, it's a fair swap. She gets his money, and he gets a pretty body to play with until he dies.” She closed the folder and handed it back.

“Besides, Vance Hutton hardly falls into that category."

"No, he doesn't. But what is even odder is the fact that his wife is the only one who's actually raised a fuss."

Nikki raised her eyebrows. “You mean, fifteen mega-wealthy men have disappeared and no one's noticed? That's not possible."

"You would have thought so. Mind you, all but three have reappeared."


"Apparently. Reports are that they only seem to go out at night, but otherwise, it's life as normal."

"Are they vampires?"



It was weird all right, and he couldn't help thinking the answers might be in the same league. The ‘seat belts’ light pinged on, and a flight attendant announced they were getting ready to land. Michael clipped his in, then helped Nikki with hers. But in leaning over, their bodies brushed, and her scent ambushed him. For several heartbeats all he could do was stare into the dark amber eyes that had haunted his dreams and wish he was free to touch her, hold her. She cupped her palm against his cheek. Heat splintered through him, sharpened by longing.

"What lies between us will not go away,” she said softly. “You can deny it all you want, push it away and ignore it, but it will still be there. And so will I."

He pulled away from her touch. It was probably the hardest thing he'd ever had to do. “My world is darkness, Nikki. Yours is light. We cannot be."

She raised an eyebrow and didn't reply. He met her gaze steadily, undeterred by her determined expression or the edge of hurt in her eyes. After several seconds, she looked away. Leaving him feeling like a bastard.

The plane taxied to a stop, and the crew cheerfully ushered them from it. He guided Nikki through the crowd, one hand held lightly against her back as they headed to the baggage area. “The limo driver should be waiting near the carousel."

She nodded. Under the harsh light of the terminal, the dark circles shadowing her eyes looked like bruises. “I have to call the hospital when we get to the resort. I want to find out how Jake is."

"He's tough, Nikki. He'll be okay."

"I hope you're right,” she murmured. “Because he's all the family I have left." And I'm not sure what I'll do without him. The thought skimmed through the link, sharp with pain. “I have never met a human with a will to live as strong as Jake's. He'll be okay.” Meaningless words when it wasn't the will but the heart that was apparently the problem.

She smiled slightly. “Thank you for saying that."

He nodded, hoping he was right. He liked Jake. He touched her back again, guiding her to the right, towards the carousel.