“And it might not. It’s kinda like looking at a glass of water. You can either view it as a glass half-full or half-empty. I choose to look at it as half-full.”

He raked his fingers through his hair. “It isn’t fair to put a wife and child through the uncertainty.”

“So you’re saying that my father shouldn’t have married my mother and that my brothers and I were a big mistake.”

“Of course not. That’s not the same thing.”

“Why isn’t it? My father died young. My younger brothers were still in school. We all still needed him.” She stepped up to Jax and looked him in the eyes. “Life doesn’t come with guarantees.”


She pressed her fingers to his lips. “I’d rather live a month or a year with you in my life than fifty years alone. You’ve been in my heart since I was a teenager.”

He took her hand in his. “But your mother...”

“Will have to get used to the idea that you and I belong together.”

“And you’re absolutely certain that you want me, flaws and all.”

Her eyes lit up and she nodded vigorously. “I’m absolutely certain. But I do have one question.”

His chest tightened. He wasn’t sure he was ready for any more proclamations. His mind was still trying to process everything she’d said. “What is it?”

“I love you. And I need to know if you feel the same for me.”

Now this part was easy.

He’d been so busy trying to hide his feelings from both of them that he just now realized he’d never spoken the words of his heart.

He wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her close. With his other hand, he brushed back her hair and looked into her mesmerizing green eyes—eyes he could see his whole future in.

“I can’t honestly tell you when I first started to fall in love with you. There are too many moments to choose from. But I’ve been having a heck of a time trying to figure out how to go on without you.”

“And now you won’t have to.”

“You’re certain this is what you want—that I am what you want?”

“Most definitely.”

He lifted her into his arms and pressed his lips to hers. He couldn’t imagine how he’d ever gotten lucky enough to have this ray of sunshine in his life, but he planned to do everything he could so she never ever regretted her decision.


One year later...

JAX WAS CERTAIN he’d never tire of staring at his beautiful wife. He was so glad that she hadn’t given up on him and had made him see things her way—the way they should be. Together.

Cleo sent him a hesitant look. “Are you sure about this?”

He nodded and smiled, hoping to ease her worries. Over the past year they’d learned to rely on each other during moments of uncertainty. And in return, she’d gotten him to appreciate each day and to stop fretting about tomorrow. Whatever came their way, they’d face together.

“Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.” He pulled on a blue T-shirt. “Your mother loves you and she’ll want whatever will make you the happiest. After all, Kurt finally came around to the idea of us as a couple.”

She smiled at him, filling his chest with a warm, familiar sensation. “I can’t believe you convinced him to be your best man.”

“You do know I had to swear on my life to keep you happy, don’t you?”

She leaned over to him, her lips almost touching his. The breath in his throat hitched. It didn’t matter how many times she kissed him, it would never lose its excitement. Her mouth pressed to his and he pulled her close, but all too soon she was backing away.