“Now, was making that promise to my brother such a hardship?”

“Um...not when you put it that way.” He grinned at her. “Now why don’t you come back over here?”

“I have to get ready.” Cleo struggled to fasten her necklace. “I just don’t understand why we have to tell my mother about our plans. Can’t we just tell her we’re going on vacation?”

“Because we’re all working on building a strong, open relationship.” He stepped up and helped her with the clasp. “After all, she loves you enough to give me a chance, right?”

With a shrug, Cleo said, “I guess.”

“Then you need to give her a chance and be honest with her.”

Cleo rushed into the walk-in closet of their newly built house in Hope Springs. She returned with a pair of blue stilettos.

He eyed them up suspiciously. Obviously his wife was far more nervous about this talk with her mother than he’d originally thought. “Um, are you sure you want to wear those to the Jubilee?”

She frowned at him before rushing back into the closet. He smiled to himself. Life with Cleo was never boring.

After he’d testified in the money-laundering case, he was hailed as a star by both the press and her family. He’d finished up his work in New York City and returned to Cleo in Las Vegas just as he promised. But after a while they agreed that Vegas didn’t feel like home to either of them. So Cleo tendered her resignation at the Glamour and they bought her grandfather’s ranch from the family, and in the process, they’d put the Sinclair ranch back on solid financial ground.

Cleo slipped on a pair of colorful cowboy boots. “I just don’t think Mom’s going to be happy with our decision. She’s been hinting about grandkids since you and I said ‘I do’ on Valentine’s Day.”

“And she’s just going to have to understand that my wife has dreams to fulfill. By the way, I have our tickets to New York in my jacket pocket. We take off tonight after the festivities.”

“You mean after we tell my mother that we’re going to put off adoption and launch a fashion line instead.”


Just then Charlie strolled into the room and rubbed over Jax’s legs. “Hey, boy, where have you been all morning?”

Charlie meowed in response and Jax couldn’t resist kneeling down to scratch behind the cat’s ear. “And don’t worry. While we’re gone, you’re going to the ranch house to visit with your other feline friends.”

“Mom really has become quite the cat lady.” Cleo ran her fingers over her hair, trying to improve on perfection. At least that’s how she looked in his book.

“It’s good for her. Now she has furbabies to fuss over instead of you and your brothers.”

“If only it was that easy. I still don’t think she’s going to take the news well.”

Jax approached his wife and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. “I insist you quit worrying. Where’s that fiery woman who told me what was up when I was foolish enough to try to walk away from the best thing that ever happened to me?”

“She’s still here.” Cleo smiled up at him before planting a stirring kiss on his lips. “And look how wonderful that has turned out.”

“And if you keep kissing me like that we are going to be quite late for the Jubilee.”

“You shouldn’t tease me,” she taunted.

“Who’s teasing?” He tumbled her onto the bed.

She gazed up at him with happiness reflected in her eyes. “I love you, Mr. Monroe.”

“And I will always love you.”

* * * * *

Keep reading for an excerpt from THE TYCOON AND THE WEDDING PLANNER by Kandy Shepherd.

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