She pulled back and looked into his eyes. “What did you come in here to tell me?”

“That’s right. I have good news.” He paused, thinking about kissing her now and saving the talking for later. “But it can wait.”

He leaned forward, but she pressed a hand to his chest. “It can’t wait. I need to know what’s happening.”

Jax tightened his hold on her, not wanting the moment to end, but realized he might as well get this out of the way. “Okay. Apparently ape man wasn’t a hired thug. He’s actually the brother of my former partner. He was a one-man team out to protect the goose that laid his golden egg. Now that he’s been arrested, we don’t have to worry.”

“Are you certain?”

“Positive. He confessed.”

Cleo threw her arms around Jax and hugged him tight. But instead of following it up with the kiss he’d been anticipating, she pulled back and gave him a serious look.

“What does this mean?”

He brushed a strand of hair from her cheek. “As tempting as it is to stay, we can’t go on living here forever. Eventually my friend will want his house back.”

“I suppose you’re right. Even if it’s the fanciest house I’ve ever been in. Do we have to leave now?”

Jax shook his head. There was absolutely no other place he wanted to be. “I think we can stay another night.”

“Good.” She snuggled closer to him. “I’m just so glad you’re safe.”

“How glad?” He smiled and glanced at her very kissable lips.

In the next moment, her mouth pressed to his. She was bold and persuasive, leaving no doubt of what she had on her mind. And he liked it. He liked it a whole lot.

He met her move for move, needing to feel their closeness once more. As she opened up to him, she tasted of chocolate. It had never tasted so good. A moan grew deep in his throat.

Things were about to change for them. They could move forward—think about the future. And the past could fall away behind them. They could make their own memories starting with today.

Because with Cleo, he was alive. She cared about him as no one else ever had. The knowledge sealed the hole in his heart—the empty spot where the love of a family was supposed to be. Cleo was all of the family he’d ever need.


“JAX, YOU MISSED my street.”

He glanced in the rearview mirror as the street sign faded into the distance. He’d been distracted by the way her hand rested on his leg. “Sorry. I’ll turn around.”

“No need. You can just circle the block.” There was a slight pause. “It’s great to be going home. Don’t get me wrong. Staying in a movie star’s mansion was an experience I’ll never forget. It sure is a long way from Hope Springs, Wyoming.”

“Is that good or bad?”

“Part of me misses Hope Springs, but another part doesn’t want to be stuck in that small town for the rest of my life. There are so many places to see and things to do.”

“You know, your fashion designs could be the key to having the best of both worlds.”

“You think so?” He nodded and she continued, “But I haven’t even shown anyone my drawings.”

This was his moment to confess what he’d been up to while she’d been drawing. He just hoped she approved. If not, this might very well be the last time she talked to him and that thought knotted his gut.

“Actually I’ve been told by an expert that you have amazing talent and a bright future, if you pursue it.”

“What? But how?” There was a pause as though she was trying to make sense of things. “Jax, what did you do?”

He pulled into a parking spot, put the SUV in Park and turned off the engine. He rubbed his head, suddenly in doubt of his actions, which was so unlike him. He was a man of decision—split-second decisions. That was how he’d been able to amass a fortune.

But when it came to Cleo, he felt constantly off-kilter. But surely she’d be happy about this, right? No point in delaying the inevitable.