“Cleo, where are you?”

He scanned her bedroom. Then he glanced in his room. She was sitting on the bed with her back to him.

“Hey, didn’t you hear me calling you?”

She shrugged but didn’t say a word.

He stepped farther into the room. “Are you okay?”

She shook her head this time. He sure wished she’d speak, it would make this so much easier. At least then he’d know what was wrong. He started around the bed and stopped in front of her. She was gazing down at something in her hands. It took him a second to recognize the familiar object in her hand.

“Cleo, listen. I can explain this.”

“I always wondered what happened to this watch. It was one of my grandfather’s most treasured possessions. I just never would have guessed that he’d given it to you.”

Jax sat down on the bed next to her. “Your grandfather was a very special man. I’ve never known anyone with a bigger heart.”

She smiled. “I’m so glad you got to know that part of him.”

“He took me under his wing and showed me that a man could make his own happiness. He showed me how to work hard for my money. And he taught me respect. In all of the ways that count, your grandfather was more a father to me than my biological one.”

“I’m glad he was able to be there for you, especially after your mom passed on. He l

iked you, too. But that doesn’t explain why he gave you this.” She dangled the pocket watch.

Jax reached for it, but she jerked it out of his reach. He sighed. “It isn’t what you’re thinking.”

“Really? And now you’re a mind reader—”

“Obviously you think I came to have it by some underhanded way. But I didn’t.” He knelt down in front of her. “You’ve got to believe me. I wouldn’t have done anything to hurt your grandfather. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be here today. I’d probably still be in Hope Springs, following in my father’s unhappy steps.”

Her brow crinkled as her lips pursed together in thought. “For him to give you this, it had to be for some really important reason because this is a family heirloom. Did you know that it belonged to my great-grandfather? It was supposed to be passed down to my father. And then to my oldest brother, Kurt. So you’ll see why I’m confused about how you ended up with it.”

“Your grandfather gave it to me the day I left Hope Springs.” Jax got to his feet and started to pace. “He told me to sell it when I got to where I was going.”

She shook her head. “But why this? And what do you know about the money missing from his bank accounts?”

“I don’t know anything about his bank accounts, but...” Jax wasn’t so sure how she would take this and he hated the thought of letting her down. “He took care of my college tuition as well as my room and board. I didn’t know how he arranged it and he wouldn’t say. But when you were dirt-poor like I was and someone drops you a rope to pull you out of poverty, you act first and think later. Can you understand that?”

She continued to look at him. He could see the wheels in her mind spinning. But he hoped he was getting through to her. Finally she nodded. But he didn’t give her a chance to say anything, he kept going. He had to make sure she believed he wouldn’t hurt her family in any way. In secret, he’d always dreamed about what it would be like to be a Sinclair—to be a part of a loving, close-knit family.

“By the time my brain caught up with everything, your grandfather had passed on and all I could do was make the most of the generous gift he’d given me.”

“And that explains the withdrawals from his bank accounts that no one could account for.”

“I’m sorry.” He felt really bad for upsetting the family. “I never meant to take away your inheritance. I was young and I hadn’t thought through his generous offer. All I could envision was an escape from an unhappy life.”

“Don’t be.” Her words shocked him. “If anyone should understand about rushing off to chase your dreams without thinking about what it took to get you there—it’s me.”

“Does this mean you believe me about the money and the pocket watch?” He held his breath waiting for her confirmation.

“You know, it’s almost like my grandfather knew something all those years ago that we didn’t have a clue about. It’s like he knew someday we’d find our way together.” She held up the watch. “And this is like his blessing for us.”

She was being a bit dramatic, but he had to admit that he liked the idea. “You really think your grandfather would approve of you being in my arms?”

She nodded and smiled up at him.

Jax stood and drew her up into his embrace. He never ever wanted to let her go. She fit so perfectly against him. It was as though she’d been made just for him.