She’d nodded, reveling in the fact that he was going to take her into his confidence. She’d thought that it meant something special—that she was special. She hadn’t been expecting the next part.

“Okay. But first pinkie swear you won’t tell anyone, not even Kurt.”

Once she’d given her heartfelt pledge to keep his secret, he surprised her.

“I’m leaving Hope Springs.”

“When are you coming back?”

“I’m not. That’s the point.”

She remembered how she’d struggled to hold back the tears and failed miserably. Maybe that was why he’d broken down and kissed her...right on the cheek.

And that was the last time anyone from Hope Springs had laid eyes on him...except for her brother. She stared at the pocket watch, wondering what it meant that Jax possessed it. She knew that he did errands for her grandfather, but was there more to their relationship than mucking stalls and fixing fence lines?

She had to be sure to phrase her questions just so. She didn’t know want transpired between Jax and her grandfather so she didn’t want to accuse him of anything. But then again, she needed to know the truth.

“Cleo, we’ve got to leave for the doctor’s or we’ll be late,” Jax called up the steps.

She hastily put the watch back where she’d found it. They’d have plenty of time to discuss this later. Right now, she needed the doctor to assure Jax that he didn’t have to watch over her any longer—that she was perfectly fine to take care of herself.

She didn’t need him.


nbsp; The bold lie settled front and center in her thoughts, weighing her down. The truth was she wanted him in her life so much it scared her.

When had Jax come to mean so much to her? Her thoughts rolled back in time, unable to nail down a specific moment when things had dramatically changed between them. Her feelings for him had grown and changed gradually as they spent day after day together.

And this was nothing like the schoolgirl crush she’d had on him all those years ago in Hope Springs. These feelings went far deeper and had a sharp edge when she thought of Jax leaving—and he would soon. He’d said more than once that his life wasn’t here in Las Vegas.

This appointment was the beginning of the end for them. Her shoulders drooped. Once they got the all clear from the doctor, it’d be one less reason for Jax to stick around. And from the sounds of it the police were closing in on ape man. In no time at all, Jax would be on a plane for New York. And their time together would be nothing but another memory.


JAX GLANCED OVER at Cleo, noticing that she’d had something on her mind during their trip into the city.

“Is everything okay?” he asked.

She smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “You heard the doctor. I’m healing up nicely.”

“This isn’t about the doctor’s visit. Something has been bothering you since we left the house. I thought you’d be happy getting out of there for a while.”

“I am.” Her tone was flat.

She was lying, but why? He sure didn’t understand women. Give them what they want and they are still unhappy. Maybe she was hungry. He could whip them up an early dinner and perhaps that would lighten her spirits. She always liked his cooking.

He eased the SUV onto the highway. “What sounds good for dinner?”

“Didn’t you hear the doctor? I can take care of myself. You don’t have to keep hovering and doing things for me.”

“But why should you have to cook when I’m around and I don’t mind?”

“But that’s the thing, you aren’t always going to be around. As you keep reminding me, your life is in New York. Not here.”

He glanced in her direction, noticing her crossed arms and the frown on her face. She’d been in an unusual mood ever since he told her that it was time to leave for her appointment. He sure wished he knew what had triggered it.

But before he could probe further, he spotted a much larger problem. A big black pickup truck was quickly gaining ground on them. Jax picked up speed as he kept glancing in the mirror at the vehicle’s reinforced front bumper and the exhaust pipes trailing up each side of the cab.