“I need to be honest with you. I am here about the use of the chapel.”

Louisa’s mouth pressed together in a firm line and she shook her head. “I haven’t changed my mind. I told Mr. Amatucci numerous times that I wouldn’t agree to it.”

“But I was wondering if there was something we could do to make the idea acceptable to you. The fact of the matter is this event could really help the village’s economy. And the royal couple is adamant about using the chapel. If it’s not available, they’ll move on to the next village on their list.”

Surprise reflected in the woman’s eyes. “It’s really that important?”

Kayla nodded. “I haven’t lied to you so far. I need you to believe me now.”

Louisa’s light blue gaze met hers. “I do believe you. As much as I’d like to help, I just can’t do it.”

Kayla leaned forward. “If you tell me the problem, maybe I can find a way around it.”

“I...I just can’t have all of those people and reporters poking around here.”

Something told Kayla that Louisa had spent more time in front of the paparazzi’s cameras than she preferred. Her sympathy went out to the woman, but there had to be a compromise. “What if I make it my personal mission to ensure that you aren’t photographed or even mentioned in the press coverage?”

Louisa’s eyes opened wide. “You can do that?”

“Remember, we are dealing with royalty here. They have far-reaching hands. I’ll let them know about your stipulation, and I’m sure they’ll be able to handle the press.”

There was a moment of silence. “If you’re sure. I suppose it’d be all right.”

Kayla resisted the urge to reach out and hug the woman, not wanting to scare her off. Instead, she leaned forward and squeezed Louisa’s arm.

“Thank you.” Kayla sent her a smile. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’d love to hear more about your plans for this place. It’s absolutely beautiful here.”

Kayla sat back and sipped her coffee. She was happy that she could provide Angelo with this parting gift. With her resignation already typed up on her laptop, it was time for her to print it out.

That evening, Angelo had plans to dine with his brother and sister. While he was off having some family time, she would catch a plane home. Her moment beneath the Tuscany sun was over, and it was time to face the harsh reality of being jobless and heartbroken.



Angelo sat in the back of a limousine outside Kayla’s apartment. He’d been trying to call her ever since he’d found her resignation letter and the hotel suite empty, but she wasn’t taking his calls. He’d just arrived in New York earlier that day after wrapping things up in Italy. Thanks to Kayla, Monte Calanetti was hosting the royal wedding.

He’d have left earlier but he couldn’t. Nico and Marianna had been counting on him to stay until the royal decree was announced. Now that he and his siblings had achieved a peaceful relationship, it was as if they were truly a family again—something Angelo hadn’t known how much he’d missed. And though Marianna still refused to divulge the name of the father of her baby, she knew without a doubt that both he and Nico were there for her—to support her no matter what decision she made about her future.

He’d returned to New York with orders from his brother and sister to track down Kayla and sweep her off her feet.

Since she’d been gone, he’d had time to realize how black-and-white his life was without her in it. He’d overreacted when he realized that he loved her. But now that he’d come to terms with the depth of his emotions, he hoped what he had planned was enough for her to give him—give them—a second chance.

Thanks to Kayla’s very helpful assistant, who was a romantic at heart, he and Pam had secretly been able to piece the fund-raiser back together. And Kayla had been notified that a very special sponsor would be sending a car to escort her to the event.

He hated waiting. It seemed like forever since he’d last laid his eyes on her. He wanted to march up to her apartment and beg her forgiveness, but he couldn’t take the chance that she’d slam the door in his face. Worst of all, she’d end up missing her big night at the fund-raiser. He couldn’t let that happen.

Instead, he’d stayed behind in the limo and sent up his driver with instructions not to mention that he was waiting. He needed a chance to talk to Kayla face-to-face. There was so much that he wanted to say—to apologize for—but he still hadn’t found the right words.

The car door swung open and Kayla slid in the car next to him. She wore the navy dress he’d given her for their date in the Mediterranean. It hugged all of her curves and dipped in just the right places. It left him speechless that any woman could look so good.

When her gaze landed on him, her eyes opened wide. “What are you doing here?”

“What does it look like?”

Her gaze scanned his dark suit. “It looks like...like you’re set for a night on the town.”

“And so I am.”