What had just happened? His radar was going off. Something was definitely amiss. And it frustrated the heck out of him that he’d wrecked their relationship to the point where she wouldn’t even open up to him.

He rushed to catch up to her. “Tell me what’s bothering you.”


“If it’s nothing, why won’t you even face me?”

She didn’t stop. “It’s nothing,” she called over her shoulder. “Just drop it.”

“Tell me what it is and I’ll fix it if I can.”

She stopped and turned to him. Wearing an indifferent expression like a mask, she said, “I don’t know why you think I need help.”

Luca reached out and grasped her arm before she could wander off. “I know things aren’t right between us, but I also know you really well, and no matter what you say, I know there’s something wrong—something big.”

Elena yanked her arm from him. “You should concentrate on your sister. This is her big night.”

As though his sister had heard her name mentioned, she rushed over to them. Annabelle’s face was aglow with happiness. “Elena, I was so excited when I heard you were back on the island.” She reached out and they quickly hugged. “Thank you so much for coming.”

A strange sensation coiled through Luca as he watched the easy smile light up Elena’s face. Elena certainly hadn’t done that when she’d spotted him at her mother’s house. In fact, her reaction had been quite the opposite.

He didn’t know why he let it bother him. There were plenty of other women out there who would be happy to have his company. If only he had the slightest bit of interest in those other women.

He inwardly groaned with frustration. He turned away and went in search of something to drink. He wasn’t really thirsty, but it was certainly better than watching Elena make nice with everyone—everyone but him.

He had to quit letting her get to him. He needed to withdraw. Wasn’t that what he’d promised himself after his mother’s murder? To keep people at a safe distance?

That was why he’d packed up and moved away from Halencia and Mirraccino. It hurt too much when people he cared about were torn from his life—whether by murder, grief or something else. He just couldn’t go through that again.

And though he’d missed his sister and Elena while he’d been traveling, he’d been able to distract himself. He was always on the go. A new adventure. A new challenge. That was exactly what he should do now—set off on a new expedition. But he couldn’t. Not yet.

Until the week was over, he had to make the best of this situation. And then he would be gone. He would return to Milan. He would make plans for some daring feat and forget all about these unwanted emotions.


AT LAST SHE was an invited guest.

Elena had never thought the day would come when she would be invited to the palace. It was the final confirmation that she’d gone from being a nobody to a somebody. She was no longer the shy child who was left out of all the elaborate royal birthday parties and the other celebrations Luca and his sister attended.

After waiting a lifetime for this moment, she was surprised to find it wasn’t nearly as satisfying as she’d imagined. Truthfully, she wasn’t enjoying herself. She was in no frame of mind to take part in such a celebration. Her life was a mess, and she had a feeling the worst was yet to come.

At dinner, Luca had been seated at the other end of the extremely long table. There was no chance of him probing her with his eyes—searching for answers to his unspoken questions. The problem with hanging out with her former best friend was that he could still read her like a book. And she just wasn’t ready to open up to him.

During the dinner, she’d witnessed Annabelle’s bubbly happiness. It was then that Elena made her decision. She would delay telling Luca about the baby until the end of the week. By then, the celebration would be over and the fallout from her announcement couldn’t ruin this happy occasion.

The delay would be best for everyone. Until then, she’d have a chance to figure out her life plan and to find the right words to soften the blow for Luca. Not that she wanted anything from him—that she’d decided. But he was the father of her baby, and he deserved to know the truth.

She glanced around, finding Luca engaged in a conversation with Prince Demetrius. This was her chance to quietly slip away from the party. After all, who would notice? Besides possibly Luca. But they’d been doing their best to avoid each other all evening. So perhaps he’d be relieved to realize that she’d gone.

Luckily, having spent her youth avoiding the guards and servants, she knew her way around the palace. She slipped into the hallway. A quick check both ways let her know that the coast was clear. Her gaze latched on the French doors at the end of the hallway. Although freedom was within reach, she forced herself to walk at a reasonable pace.

She inhaled a deep breath, hoping to calm her rising nerves. All she wanted now was to escape the curious looks and the inevitable questions regarding her showing up as Luca’s date. When her hand grasped the brass handle, she glanced over her shoulder. So far, so good.

She let herself out onto the patio that was surrounded by the royal gardens. She looked left and then right. All alone. She breathed her first easy breath all evening. Whatever had made her think that coming here would be a good idea?

She moved to the far end of the patio and leaned her palms against the cold concrete balustrade supported by dozens of tiny pillars. The entire palace was a work of art. And just now the gardens were aglow beneath the full moon. It was breathtaking—

“There you are.” Luca’s voice came from behind her.