Her fingers undid another button. And then she lifted up on her tiptoes and pressed a trail of kisses along his neck. “Are you getting the idea?”

“Uh-huh.” He moved just then and claimed her lips with his own.

This time his kiss wasn’t tentative, but rather full of raw desire. As their kiss deepened, hope welled up inside Elena that this was the turning point in their relationship. That, at last, Luca was letting down the walls around his heart and allowing her in. There were still a lot of details to be sorted out, but as long as she knew Luca wanted this marriage for the right reasons, she would meet him halfway.

In the background, the Frank Sinatra love song that had played on their wedding day started up. She would never hear that song again without thinking of this moment. She leaned into Luca like she’d been wanting to do all week. She gave in to the passion that welled up within her, slipping her hands up over his shoulders and wrapping them around the back of his neck. Her fingers combed through his hair.

A kiss had never tasted so good. He tasted of sweet wine and chocolate. His touch was gentle yet needy. Joy filled her knowing that at last they were on the right page.

He pulled back ever so slightly and rested his forehead against hers. “Mrs. DiSalvo, shall we have our wedding night?”

Her heart fluttered. “Oh, yes.”

And she sealed it with a kiss. Words were overrated in this moment. They could communicate lip to lip, hand to hand and body to body.

In the next moment, he swept her up in his arms. With the warm sea breeze caressing them, he carried her over to the four-poster bed draped with a sheer white canopy.

He lowered her onto the fluffy white comforter and stared into her eyes. “It’s as if I’m seeing you for the first time.”

She smiled up at him. “I hope you like what you see.”

“Oh, definitely.” But then a worrisome look came over his face.

“What is it?”

“I just don’t want to do anything to hurt you.”

“You won’t.” She was trusting him with her heart. “Not unless you don’t come closer and kiss me some more.”

“That I can do.”

He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers.


THAT HAD BEEN a mistake.

A big one.

Luca slipped out of bed, dressed and went out to stand on the deck overlooking the sea. He shouldn’t have let things go so far last night. Sure, he’d wanted Elena more than he’d ever wanted any woman he’d ever known. And yes, they were married, so it was expected.

But what he hadn’t done was be totally up front with Elena.

Ever since they’d said their wedding vows, he’d been seeing her in a different light. He’d always thought she was pretty, but now when he looked at her, she took his breath away. And with the pregnancy, she wasn’t as thin as she was for the catwalks. He liked those emerging curves a lot—a whole lot.

But he had to tell her that his situation had changed—and not for the better. He was not the man she thought she’d married—

“Hey, what are you doing up so early?” Elena’s sleepy voice came from behind him.

He turned around to find her wearing his white dress shirt from last night. The shirt stopped halfway down her thighs. Her long blond hair was tousled. And she’d never looked sweeter.

She reached him and wrapped her arms around his neck before lifting up and pressing a kiss to his lips. Memories of their steamy night together sprang to mind. His body was immediately ready for a repeat.

No. He steeled himself. He was not about to cave again. He had to settle things between them.

Elena pulled away. “Can I get you some coffee?”

“I didn’t think you were allowed that now that you’re pregnant.”