“I’m talking about growing up here, on the royal grounds. I was never a real part of you and all your cousins. Sure, I got to live here and it was amazing, but I always felt like I was on the outside looking in.”

“That’s not how any of us saw it. You were always one of us.”

“No, I wasn’t. I was the daughter of the help.”

“You were more than that and you know it.” He reached out to her, but she backed away. “We included you in everything.”

Elena shook her head. She clearly remembered all the formal events, dinners and parties she had been forbidden to attend. “Not everything.”

“Those other occasions weren’t important—”

“Maybe not to you, but they were to me. While you and your sister and cousins were all getting dressed up for a fancy party, I was left alone. I was the only one not invited.”

“I’m sorry. You know I would have included you if I could have.” Luca frowned. “But I don’t understand. That was all a very long time ago. What does any of this have to do with our marriage?”

“I’m getting to that. After feeling like an outsider my entire childhood, I will not be left on the outside of our marriage.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“That if you can’t open up and tell me how you feel about the baby, I can’t do this.”

What did she mean, she couldn’t do this? He was too afraid to ask. He didn’t even understand what had brought this on, but he refused to let his marriage fall apart at their reception. That just seemed epically wrong.

“Elena, I do open up to you, as much as I open up to anyone.”

“But that’s the thing—you don’t. You play everything close to the vest. I don’t even know if you’re going to let down your guard and love our baby.”

“Luca, is that you?” Annabelle called out. She came closer. “Oh, Elena, this is where you’ve been. Somebody we both know—” she nodded toward Luca “—got worried when he couldn’t find you.”

“Sorry,” Elena said. “I just needed a little fresh air.”

“No problem. But as soon as you two are ready, it’s time to cut the cake.”

“We’ll be right there,” Luca said. He waited until his sister walked away and then he said, “Elena, I know you want a lot from me, and I’m trying my best. Just give me a little time.”

“What makes you think that time will help?”

“This does.” He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers.

When they kissed, everything seemed right in the world. There was no need for words. Problems got lost in the haze.

There was just him and her, lost in the moment.

Lip to lip. Heart to heart.

If only life could be so simple.


WHAT ARE WE supposed to do now?

Elena looked at Luca, who was wearing a bewildered expression that must have matched hers. They stood just outside one of the elaborate guesthouses on the estate. They were secluded.

Just the two of them.

And now they would have to talk.

They stood there for a moment in the dark with the stars twinkling overhead. In any other scenario, this would be so romantic. But what their families didn’t know was that Luca was not in love with her.