Elena paused at the sound of her name. An uneasy feeling inched down her spine. With great trepidation she turned to the man. “Yes?”

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the surprised look on Annabelle’s face. Elena wondered if she was wearing a similar expression.

“Excuse me, ma’am. I was informed that you would be here.”

“What can I do for you?”

“Ma’am, there are a bunch of reporters at the gate demanding to speak with you. What should we do?”

It felt as though the bottom had fallen out of her world. The article had just made the tabloid that morning and they were already seeking her out. She wondered what other information they had. She was certain that none of it would be good news.

“Did they say what they wanted?”

“No, ma’am.”

Annabelle stepped up then. “Tell them to go away. Elena is my guest today, and she doesn’t want to be hounded by the press.”

“Yes, ma’am.” The security guard pulled out his phone as he started to walk away.

“What do you think that’s all about?” Annabelle asked.

“I...I have a confession.” Elena’s gaze dropped to the ground.

“That sounds awfully dire. Surely it can’t be that bad.”

Elena shrugged. “I guess it depends on how you look at it.”

“I think I should go get another drink,” Grayson said and slipped away.

“You don’t have to tell me,” Annabelle said.

“I do.” Elena was so tired of keeping secrets. “There’s a story in a tabloid and a photo linking me with a married man.”

Annabelle’s perfectly plucked brows rose, but she didn’t say anything.

“It’s not true. At least not like they are saying. I didn’t know he was married. He conveniently left that part out when we met. And it’s been over for a while now.”

Annabelle reached out and squeezed her arm. “It’s okay. We’ve all made mistakes, but the paparazzi doesn’t care about those mistakes unless you’re an international public figure. I have a feeling this won’t be your last time in the tabloids.”

“I’d totally understand if you want me to go now. I don’t want to ruin your party.”

“Nonsense. You have to stay. We aren’t going to let the paparazzi ruin our day.”

“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to them.”

“Me, either. We just have to stick together.”

“Thanks for being so understanding.” They shared a quick hug and then Elena said, “I think I’ll go get a drink. It’s a little warm out here today.”

She moved away and spotted a lemonade stand. No doubt they’d used lemons from the DiSalvo lemon grove. They were the best. And she was thirsty. Hunting for Luca in the bright sunshine had her parched. And she didn’t know where else to look for him...unless she was to search the palace. However, she doubted security was going to let that happen.

She stood in line for the lemonade. It seemed to be a popular stand. And she couldn’t blame them. This was the best lemonade in the world. Not too sweet. Not too tart. It was just perfect. And any other day, she’d be excited to have some, but not today. Today she needed to find Luca before he stumbled across the lies and innuendos.

Once she had her refreshment in hand, she peered all around. He had to be here somewhere. But she couldn’t spot him. She pulled out her phone and tried his cell. Again, it went to voice mail.

She’d just slipped the phone into her purse when she heard, “Elena, there you are.”

She turned to find Luca approaching her. He was dressed casually in white shorts and a blue collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up. And she’d never seen him look more handsome. Of course, it helped that he was smiling right at her. He was like the sun, parting her clouds of gloom and doom.