He leaned toward her. It was then that a gentle breeze picked up and with it carried the not-too-sweet scent of jasmine perfume. He inhaled a little deeper. Every time he smelled that scent, he thought of Elena. She’d started wearing that perfume as a teenager. For some reason, he’d thought now that she was a famous model she’d have switched to a more trendy fragrance. Was it possible that everything about her hadn’t changed?

And then, remembering he was supposed to say something, he whispered in her ear, “Come with me.”

“I can’t leave your sister’s party.”

“Sure you can. Come on.”

“Luca, be serious. Everyone will notice.”

He knew she was right, but that didn’t mean he wanted to sit here and play a child’s game. “I don’t want to do this.”

Elena squeezed his hand. “It’ll be all right.”

His fingers instinctively wrapped around hers. It was such a simple act, and yet his heart was racing. He loved the feel of her hand in his. His thumb stroked the back of her hand.

And then he remembered that they weren’t alone. They had an audience that included his very astute sister. Thankfully the table and the white linen tablecloth hid their clasped hands from view. But not wanting to take any chances, he forced himself to release Elena’s hand.

“Since I’m the bride, I’ll go first.” Annabelle smiled as she gazed directly at Luca.

He resisted the urge to shift in his seat. He would not be outmaneuvered by his little sister, and especially not over some childish game.

Annabelle spun the bottle. It circled round and round. Each time it neared him, the breath caught in his lungs. And then it started to slow down. His body tensed.

Thankfully the bottle didn’t point at him. But it did point to Elena. He glanced her way, and she looked as pale as a ghost. Oh, no. This wasn’t good. He wanted to tell her that she should have listened to him when he suggested they leave together, but he resisted.

Annabelle beamed. That was never a good sign. He wanted to speak up and tell his sister to back off, but before he could utter a word, his sister said, “Okay, Elena, you’re first. Truth? Or dare?”

Elena looked horrified that she’d just been caught in his sister’s crosshairs.

Luca leaned forward. “Annabelle, I don’t think this is a good idea.”

That was probably the wrong thing to say. His sister’s eyes lit up. “Oh, come on, Luca. Loosen up.” Everyone’s gaze moved back to Elena. Once again his sister said, “Truth? Or dare?”

A moment passed as everyone waited for Elena to decide.

“Dare,” she said so softly that Luca wasn’t sure what she’d actually said.

“What was that?” Annabelle asked.

“Dare,” Elena said louder.

Annabelle pressed her lips together as she made a show of making up her mind. She was having too much fun with this. Her gaze moved back and forth between him and Elena. What was she thinking? Surely she wouldn’t—

“I dare you to kiss my brother.”

Elena’s mouth gaped, but nothing came out.

“Annabelle, enough is enough,” Luca said.

“Tsk, tsk, brother.” His sister shook her finger at him. “Since when did you become the serious one? I thought you enjoyed fun and games.”

“But this is different—”

“Really? How so?”

He could feel all eyes on him now. What had he done? Was everyone going to guess that he had a thing for Elena?

Before he could find a way out of this mess, Elena leaned toward him. She grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him toward her. What in the world?