“Haven’t you told your husband?”

“He knows.” Since she’d already said more than she intended, she might as well finish confessing. “It’s the only reason he married me.”

“What?” Her mother sounded shocked. “Surely you don’t believe that.”

“How can I not believe it? I asked him once if he loved me, and he said no.”

“But that can’t be right. I’ve watched you two over the years. It’s as plain to me as the nose on my face that you two belong toge

ther. I just wondered how long it would take you to figure it out.”

Elena sniffled. “I figured it out, but he didn’t. And I can’t live with someone who doesn’t love me back. It’s not right for me, and it’s not right for our baby.”

“Oh, Elena, think hard before you do anything drastic. Sometimes we only get one chance at love.”

The sound of footsteps had them both turning. There in the entrance to the kitchen stood Luca. He looked awful. His face was pale and drawn. Elena’s first instinct was to go to him, but she held herself back. If this was going to work, he had to make the first move.

“I knocked,” he said, “but I don’t think anyone heard, so I let myself in. I hope that’s all right.”

“Of course it is,” her mother said, as though there wasn’t a thing wrong. “You’re family now. You are welcome here anytime.”

“Thank you.” His gaze met Elena’s. “That means a lot.”

Her mother smiled. “I hope you brought your appetite. Elena and I have been cooking up a storm. We can eat as soon as my husband arrives.”

Elena stood by quietly, wondering what his real reason was for being there. Part of her was frustrated and she didn’t want to have the same argument with him again. But another part of her wondered if maybe her words had finally gotten through to him.

“Actually,” Luca said, “I was wondering if I could borrow your daughter for a little bit.”

“Certainly. She’s all done here.”

When Elena didn’t make any movement to go to him, Luca said, “Elena, there are things I need to say to you. It’s important.”

He deserved to wait a minute. She wanted him to know that she wasn’t going to jump every time he called. Most of all, he had to know that he’d truly hurt her.

“Please,” he pleaded.

That was what she needed. She turned to her mother. “Are you sure you’ve got everything?”

“Positive. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it and our chat. Now go.” She shooed them from the kitchen. As they were going out the door, her mother hollered, “And if you don’t make it back this evening, we’ll have leftovers tomorrow.”

Oh, her mother, ever the optimistic one.

Elena wasn’t as hopeful. Maybe she was building up her own walls now. But she just couldn’t get her hopes up and let her heart get broken all over again.


LUCA HAD NEVER been more nervous in his life.

Neither said a word as they walked. He didn’t have a destination in mind. He just needed time alone with Elena. And now that he was with her, the words inside him twisted up in a knot and clogged his throat.

Their meandering led them to the cliff overlooking the sea. The sun hovered on the horizon, sending magnificent shades of pink and purple streaking through the sky. But nothing could hold a candle to his wife’s beauty.

And if he didn’t say the right things now, he knew he was going to lose her for good. His chance at having a family would be gone. And he didn’t know how he would live with the knowledge that he’d ruined it all.

He swallowed hard. “Elena, please don’t do this. Don’t leave.”

She maintained a considerable distance between them. Her gaze was cool and distant. “I want you to know that I really appreciate all you’ve done for me. Not many men would have stepped up and proposed marriage to protect their unborn baby from a scandal.”