“How will you work? Soon you’ll be showing.”

She said something, but it was so soft that he couldn’t quite catch it. “What did you say?”

“I was fired.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” And then another thought came to him. “So this means you don’t have to leave?”

“I’ve been hoping to work in another area of the fashion industry. Something behind the scenes. So my pregnancy won’t be an issue.”

His hopes were dashed. “And this work, it’s that important to you?”

She nodded, but her gaze didn’t quite meet his. “I’m being mentored by Francois Lacroix, one of the greatest fashion designers in the world.”

When she mentioned the name, Luca was surprised. Even he had heard of the man. As she talked about this new endeavor, she became animated. Her face lit up and it was obvious that she’d found something that brought her tremendous joy.

Luca could see why this was important to her. “He must see a lot of promise in you. I’d like to see your designs.”

Elena’s blue eyes widened. “You would?”

“Sure. I think it’s great that you are doing something you’re passionate about.”

“I don’t know why I was worried that you’d try to talk me out of it. You always supported me, even when everyone else washed their hands. Like when I wanted to test out of school early so I could move to Paris.”

“How could I tell you to stay put when I didn’t?”

“But it was more than that. You always told me that I could do whatever I put my mind to. Unlike my mother, who thought I should stay close to home and find a suitable husband. She never did understand my need to venture into the world and find my place.”

“So you’re really happy in Paris?” He braced himself for her answer.

“I am happy. I don’t know if it’s Paris or the fact that I’m chasing my dreams. Can you imagine, instead of me modeling someone else’s clothes, one day it might be my name up there and someone else might be wearing my fashions?” A broad smile lit up her face.

He didn’t want to stand between Elena and that happiness. But they did have a marriage and a baby to consider. That had to be their priority. Surely she’d agree.

“And what of the baby and our marriage?” he asked.

“I gave it some thought last night, and I think I have a compromise of sorts.”

“I’m listening.” He doubted he’d like this suggestion, because it probably had to do with Paris.

“I think you and I should stay married for the next year. By then the baby will be born, and we can decide whether to continue the marriage, or if either of us wants out, we can end it.”

Well, that sounded good so far. “I think that’s agreeable.”

“As for the living arrangement, I’ll be spending the bulk of my time in Paris, and I’m sure you’ll be spending most of your time in Halencia.”


“What do you mean, no? You won’t be staying in Halencia?”

“No, we aren’t going to live apart.”

She frowned. “Of course we are. We can visit each other on holidays. This doesn’t have to change things between us unless we let it.”

His jaw tensed. It had already changed everything. As soon as he said, “I do,” his whole world seemed to shift, and he had yet to regain his footing. “And the baby? Am I never supposed to see it, either?”

“You’re impossible to talk to when you’re angry.” She turned and started to walk away.

He reached out, catching her wrist. “Elena, don’t walk away. We need to get this all out there. What about the baby?”