He didn’t have to beg. The truth was that she enjoyed his kisses, a lot. A whole lot.

Just then he pressed his lips to hers. Was it wrong that she was grateful for this excuse to kiss him? And what would happen when their excuses for being intimate faded away?

She’d be left with these delicious memories. And so she took advantage of the moment. She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. He tasted minty and delicious. And his kiss was filled with passion and promises of more.

Elena couldn’t write off the rush of desire as a little too much champagne, because she hadn’t had any. Nor would she have any in her condition. So did that mean all these rising emotions were real?

Luca pulled back and gently lowered her feet to the ground. His gaze met hers. They stared at each other for a moment as though they were each trying to figure out what had just happened. But with the photographer walking them through various poses—from sipping nonalcoholic apple cider to cutting the cake—they didn’t get a chance to discuss what had happened during that kiss. Maybe it was for the best. Emotions were running high today, and it was hard to tell what was real and what was an exaggeration.

And then there was their first dance as husband and wife. Luca knew she enjoyed jazz, and so he put on “It Had to Be You” by Tony Bennett and Carrie Underwood. The volume was just right to wrap around them, cocooning them from the outside world and transporting them to a place where normal rules didn’t apply.

She paused for a second, wondering if Luca had picked out this specific song on purpose. It wouldn’t be unrealistic. She hadn’t missed his detailed level of planning for this rushed wedding. If she wasn’t careful, she’d start to get caught up in this fantasy and believe that this wedding was real in every aspect.

The rays of the setting sun on the distant horizon painted the penthouse a warm gold. The piano music played and Tony Bennett’s soft voice filled the air about them. This whole scenario was amazingly romantic.

As Luca’s arms wrapped around her, her thoughts went back in time. When they were kids and weren’t permitted to attend the palace balls, she would put on her finest dress and Luca would be in his school uniform. They would dance in the grand foyer. They’d both ended up laughing as they pretended to be all grown up and used proper mannerisms.

But tonight there was no pretending. They were adults, and being proper didn’t appear to be on the agenda this evening. Luca held her close—quite close. And it was taking all of her will not to rest her cheek against his shoulder.

When her body accidentally brushed against Luca, need flared within her. She wanted her husband with every fiber of her body. Her insides heated up as desire pooled in her core.

The breath caught in her throat. This can’t be happening. She couldn’t give in to her longings.

Luca leaned close and whispered, “Relax.”

The way his breath tickled her ear sent goose bumps racing down her arms. All the while, she had to think about something else—anything but the way her body was responding to Luca’s. She focused on the lyrics of the song playing in the background. It was a duet, and they were singing about finding that special someone and how fate played a role.

But Elena hadn’t found that special someone. She wasn’t even looking. She didn’t want to be lied to again.

Not that Luca would lie. He’d tell her straight up that he didn’t love her. He had a double-reinforced wall about his heart and there was no breaking through it. He made sure of it.

The thought made her sad.

This wedding—this whole day—was too realistic. And yet, it was all a show. She couldn’t let herself get caught up in it. Even the song was surely just a coincidence.

The backs of her eyes burned with unshed tears. These darn hormones had her reacting to things that she would otherwise be able to shrug off.

Luca continued to twirl her around the floor. She attempted to put a respectable distance between them. Because if she wasn’t careful, she was going to get swept up in this piece of fiction. In the end, she would have nothing but a broken heart. And that would forever ruin her relationship with Luca. How could they raise a child together if nothing existed between them but hostility?

Just then the music switched to a love song by Frank Sinatra. The beautiful lyrics made her think of everything they were both deprived of by this empty marriage. They were doomed to live a lie.

Oh, no! This is just too much.

Elena pulled herself out of Luca’s arms. Her gaze sought out the hallway and then she ran. She didn’t know where she was running to, but she just couldn’t pretend to be the loving bride any longer. The photo session was over. The whole thing was over. This was a mistake. A big mistake.

She just needed a few minutes to gather herself. And for those stupid love songs to stop playing. She didn’t want to think about how things were supposed to be. She was having enough problems dealing with how things were.

Elena ran to the first bedroom she came across and threw the door shut with a resounding thud. She willed Luca not to follow. She didn’t know what to say to make this situation all right for both of them.


ONE MOMENT SHE was in his arms...

The next she was gone.

Luca stood there, watching as his wife ran away from him.

What had happened? He thought he was doing a good thing. He knew that Elena never imagined this for her wedding, but he’d wanted to give her some nice memories. He’d tried to remember all her favorite things, from the chocolate cake with raspberry ganache to the jazz music.