She stepped inside and glanced up, finding most of the roof was now gone. So much for their repairs. She smiled at the memory of them working so hard together. Back then, it was so much easier for them to communicate.

Why couldn’t life be like it used to be?

The sound of an engine cut through her thoughts. It was getting closer. Who in the world would be riding around out here at the far reaches of the royal estate? And then she realized that it was probably the security guards making their rounds.

She stepped outside to let them know of her presence, not wanting to alarm them. But when her gaze adjusted to the bright sunshine, she found that it was not a guard seated behind the wheel of the navy blue Jeep with the royal crest emblazoned across the hood. It was Luca.

He jumped out. “So this is where you ended up?”

“I...uh, was just walking.”

“That’s some walk. It’s been a few hours since you left me on the beach.”

“I had a lot of thinking to do.” She wasn’t so sure she wanted to get into it all now. “How did you find me?”

“After I checked your parents’ place and the gardens, this place came to mind. You always used to come here when you were upset.” He stepped past her and entered the cabin. He looked around before returning to her side. “I wonder if our child will find this spot and make it their clubhouse.”

“I...I don’t know.” She supposed that it was a possibility when she visited her parents.

Luca moved to stand in front of her. “Listen, I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t handle that very well.”

“You’re right. You didn’t.” And surprisingly, she wasn’t furious with him any longer. “How about we write it off to sh

ock? You didn’t know what you were saying.”

“But see, that wouldn’t be the truth.” He reached out for her hand, but she stepped back. “I did mean it when I said we should get married.”

She shook her head. “Not like this. I don’t want anyone to marry me because they have to.”

“It’s not that way.” He shifted his weight. “I could walk away, but I’m not.”

Elena let out a nervous laugh. “I can hear it now. At one of your sister’s parties, someone will ask, ‘And how did Luca propose to you?’ And I’ll say, ‘He fell on his sword to save me and my child from the monstrous press.’” She shook her head, dispelling the awful scene. “Not exactly the romantic beginning to a marriage that a girl would hope for.”

His eyes widened as though a thought had just come to him.

She didn’t want to know his new idea. It was best that they end things here while they were still speaking to one another.

She lifted her chin and met his gaze. “I should be going.”

“Wait.” He reached for her hand. “I know I messed things up when I proposed to you earlier—”

“You didn’t propose.” Her gaze narrowed. “You practically ordered me to marry you.”

His mouth opened, but nothing came out. And then at least he had the decency to look a tad embarrassed.

As much as she’d like to tell him that his idea of them getting married was preposterous, she couldn’t. She hadn’t thought of any other way to protect the baby and pass on the proper legacy their child deserved. If she were to marry Luca, their child would fit in—unlike her, who was forever on the outside looking in.

Luca craned his neck, looking at their surroundings. What was he looking for?

“Of all the places with flowers on this estate, why couldn’t there be some here?” he said with a sigh.

“Flowers?” It took her a moment to realize that he wanted to collect them for her. Her heart picked up its pace at the realization that he was trying to do this proposal thing properly. “I don’t need flowers. But I do need us to come to terms.”

“Terms? What sort of terms?”

“I agree with you. Our child deserves to have their legacy. But this will be a marriage on paper only.”

“Are you sure that’s what you want?”