He stepped up to her. “We need to talk.”

“I know.”

“You do?” Luca asked with a puzzled look on his face.

“Sorry. I thought you wanted to tell me about the press at the front gate.”

He arched a dark brow. “No, but what are they doing here?”

She waved off his question, hoping he wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. “It’s nothing. We sent them away.”


“Your sister was here when one of the security guards stopped by. She instructed him to send the reporters away.” And before he could question her further about the paparazzi, she asked, “So what did you want to talk to me about?”

Luca glanced around at the colorful tents. “It can wait until I win you a teddy bear at the ball toss.”

So he really didn’t know about the tabloid story. The breath that she didn’t realize she’d been holding whooshed from her lungs. In actuality, she wasn’t sure if this news made things better or worse for her. On second thought, it didn’t do either. It just delayed the inevitable.

And then he paused and looked at her. She found herself staring into his blue-gray eyes. Some days they were bluer, but today they were a deeper gray. He had something on his mind. Just wait until he heard what she had to tell him. His eyes would turn dark and stormy.

“Elena, why are you frowning at me? I know I’m late to the festivities, but you don’t have to look that upset. What happened to bring the paparazzi here?”

She glanced around at all of the people they knew. This definitely wasn’t the place to give him life-altering news. “I can’t talk about it. Not here.”

“Elena, there is obviously a problem. So out with it.”

Just then her phone rang. She didn’t even have to look at the caller ID to know it was Lauren again. She’d never called this many times in a row. With each phone call, Elena’s hope of salvaging her job diminished.

“Do you need to get that?”

She shook her head. “It can wait. Can we go somewhere? Somewhere private?”

“Um, I haven’t spoken to my sister yet, but she has enough distractions. I’m sure she won’t miss me for a little longer.”

They started walking toward the beach. All the while Elena searched for the right words. Was there such a thing? She hoped so.

“Elena? Hey, did you hear me?” Luca sent her a puzzled look.

“What did you say?”

“I said that you’re really quiet today and you’re starting to worry me.”

He had no idea what was coming his way, and she felt bad for him. She didn’t know whether to start with the tabloid story or the news of her pregnancy. Her stomach shivered with nerves.

Soon the worst will be over. It was the only positive thought she could dredge up, because her life was a scandalous mess.


WAS THERE ANY right way to say this?

Elena didn’t think so. Maybe if they were a happy couple and madly in love. If that were the case, she’d do something cute—something memorable.

But in this case, she’d just have to settle for the blunt, honest truth.

They made their way down the long set of steps. She remained quiet, waiting until they were on the beach, where they wouldn’t be disturbed. This conversation would be the most important one of her life. Once her feet touched the sand, she glanced up and down the beach, not spotting anyone.

“Okay. We’re alone.” Luca turned to face her. “What’s bothering you?”