Before she could say a word, the sound of voices and approaching footsteps interrupted. Elena glanced past Luca and spotted Prince Alexandro alongside another of Luca’s cousins. The prince glanced up and surprise flashed in his eyes.

“I’m sorry. We didn’t know anyone was out here,” Prince Alexandro said. “We’ll go.”

“No. Stay. You aren’t interrupting anything,” Elena hastily responded.

The prince’s gaze moved between her and Luca. “You’re sure?”

Luca hesitated and then nodded.

“Good,” the prince said, approaching them. “Luca, we need you to settle a disagreement.”

The men quickly got into a heated discussion about the upcoming European football season. Elena immediately tuned out the conversation. She wasn’t a sports fan unless it was auto racing. There was just something about a hot guy and a fast car. Her mind immediately conjured up Luca in a sleek racecar. The image definitely worked for her. But just as quickly as the image came to her, she dismissed it.

With the men now deep in conversation, Luca had his back to her. She took advantage of the moment to follow through with her original plan to steal away into the night. Trying to act as casual as possible, she quietly strolled down the steps and entered the garden.

When she reached the other side of the garden, she slipped through the gate and entered the open field illuminated only by moonlight. At last, she was free.

With her hand splayed over her midsection, she said, “Don’t worry, little one. We’ll tell your father. The time just has to be right.”

* * *

A late-night phone call was never a good thing.

In Luca’s case, it always meant that his life was about to take a turn for the worse. He doubted tonight would be any different.


“Luca, you answered.” Surprise rang out in his father’s voice.

Was he that bad at accepting calls from his father? Perhaps. He had started to avoid his father’s calls because the man kept hounding him to step up and take his place in the family business—a position Luca didn’t feel comfortable assuming.

“Are you all right?” Luca asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

“I’m coming to Mirraccino first thing in the morning. We need to talk.”

“Is that code for you want to discuss how I’m wasting my life? If so, you’re wasting your time—”

“I’m serious, Luca. It’s imperative that we talk.” There was a weariness to his father’s voice that he’d never heard before. And it concerned Luca more than he’d expected.

“Can’t you just tell me now?”

“No. We need to do this in person. And don’t tell your sister. She’ll find out soon enough, but for now she deserves to enjoy her engagement.”


“Good. I’ll see you first thing in the morning. Don’t sleep in.”

“I won’t.”

When they disconnected, sleep was the very last thing on Luca’s mind. His father was far from melodramatic. In fact, after his mother’s murder, his father had been the only calm person—perhaps too calm. At the time, Luca had resented the fact that his father hadn’t fallen to pieces. In that moment, he’d been certain his father didn’t love his mother. Not like he should have loved her.

That was the moment when Luca pulled back from everyone. Convinced that love was just an illusion, he’d refused to become a victim of romance and happily-ever-after. Because when the haze of lust lifted, someone would walk away and someone would get hurt.

And as much as Luca believed his father had not loved his mother, as the years slipped by, his doubts set in. His father never moved on with his life. He never remarried. Luca wasn’t even sure his father dated. If he did, he used the utmost discretion. And the few times that Luca had returned to their home in Halencia, it remained the same. His mother’s belongings were still where she had left them. It was so easy to pretend that she was just out for the day. It made Luca wonde

r if he’d misjudged his father. Had his father loved his mother in his own way?

Sleep was elusive for the rest of the night as Luca stared into the darkness. He knew as sure as the sun would rise that his life was about to change dramatically. It left him restless.