“A lot changed after you left.”

“Obviously. So who’s the lucky man in your life?”

Kara suddenly hated her single status. The thought of lying tiptoed across her mind, but she’d never been any good at it, even as a kid. Best to stick with the truth. “There is no man.”

“Thought you’d have guys lined up, waiting to take you out.”

“And you’d be wrong.”

She smothered a sigh. After he’d dumped her and she’d found out she was pregnant, it was a very long time until she was willing to trust any man. When she finally did dip her toe in the dating pool, finding a man with the right personality, who was ready to take on a young mother, was a challenge. Most of the guys she met simply didn’t want the hassle of a ready-made family. And they certainly weren’t thrilled about having their social calendars dictated by whether or not Kara could secure a babysitter.

Not that she’d become a nun or anything. She’d dated here and there. The evenings out were nice, but that’s all they were—nice. She shielded her daughter from her dating life. She didn’t want Samantha getting attached to someone, only to lose him when things didn’t work out.

Sensing Jason giving her periodic glances, Kara refused to meet his gaze. Instead, she continued to stare into the night. The thickening snow kept her from spotting the pond where they used to skate as kids. In those days, they’d been practically inseparable. Did Jason ever think about the good old days? Did he even regret his abrupt departure from her life and this community? Was that why he’d finally come home? To make amends?

She sneaked a glance at him. His long fingers clenched the steering wheel, fighting to keep the vehicle on the road. When he turned his head to glance at her, she jerked her gaze away, focusing on the hypnotic swish, swish of the windshield wipers.

A loud crack echoed through the night as a tree limb fell onto the road. “Watch out!”

He cut the wheel to the left. The driver’s side tires dropped off the snow-covered pavement. Kara’s upper body jerked to the left, where firm muscles pillowed her and held her steady. Jason’s body was rock hard. The kid she’d planned to explore the world with was long gone, and in his place was this man she barely recognized. The army life had transformed him into a human tank. And in that moment, she knew he’d protect her.

Thankfully, the vehicle slowed to a stop. With some effort, Jason eased it back on the road. “Sorry about that. You okay?”

Realizing she was still leaning against his arm, she pulled herself upright. “I’m fine.”

But was she? Her heart continued to palpitate faster than a jackhammer. The blood pounded in her ears. It was the near miss with the tree limb that had her all riled up. She was certain of it. She settled back in her seat and took a calming breath.

“Hang on tight.” Jason released the brake and the vehicle crawled forward. “The weather’s getting worse. I can barely make out the road.”

The tires crunched over the snow blanketing the pavement. The wind created white sheets that draped over the vehicle. All the while, the wipers worked furiously to clear the windshield for a second or two at a time. How in the world was she going to get home tonight? It’d be dawn before they got down the mountain at this inchworm pace.

“What are we going to do?” She didn’t bother to hide the quaver in her voice.

Jason patted her leg. “We’ll be okay. Trust me.”

He was the very last person she should trust, but in these extreme circumstances, she didn’t have much choice. Heat emanated from his lingering touch and radiated outward, sweeping through her limbs. Her gaze zeroed in on his fingers gripping her thigh. She should pull away, at the very least shove his hand aside. Before she could act, he withdrew it himself, to grip the steering wheel.

“Kara, why are you still there—at the resort? Working for my father?”

Not exactly a subject she wanted to broach with him, but at least it kept him from asking about her daughter. “You mean why didn’t I leave him like you did?”

“That isn’t what I meant.” A note of bitterness wove through his tone. “Why haven’t you moved on with your life? Gotten away from here? You always dreamed of traveling the world. Why give it all up for an old drunk who ran my grandfather’s dream into the ground?”

She straightened. “Don’t you dare judge me. Your father and I did our best to keep the resort up and running. Maybe if you’d been here, you could have helped.”

“I was busy at the time, getting shot at while defending our country.” He turned to her, his eyes glittering. “And recovering from a bomb blast.”

Her brain stuttered, trying to imagine the dangers he’d faced. “I had no idea.”

“You weren’t supposed to. I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”

“What happened? Are you okay now?”

“I’m fine.”

“If you’re so fine, why are you here and not still overseas?”

A muscle flexed in his cheek. “They gave me a medical discharge.”