“Did you tell her you bought this place?”

He nodded.

Robert shrugged on his coat. “How’d it go?”

“The news took her by surprise.”

“Seems like an understandable reaction. You’ve been gone for years.” His old friend paused and looked intently at him. “What else is bothering you? Did she quit on the spot?”

“Not exactly.”

“Then why do you look like you just chugged a carton of sour milk?”

“Kara lit into me about ignoring my father. He must have fed her some kind of lies to gain her sympathy.” Jason didn’t bother to hide the loathing he felt.

Robert let out a low whistle. “Boy, you didn’t exaggerate about the rift between you two.”

If anything, he’d understated the distance between himself and his father. Every muscle in Jason’s body grew rigid at the thought of their insurmountable differences. He refused to dwell on something that could never be fixed.

With the help of a couple of investors, he’d at last gained ownership of his heritage—the resort his grandfather had founded. His gaze moved around the lobby, taking in its splendor.

“I’ve thought of nothing else for the past year but of making this place mine, of restoring the Greene Summit back to its former glory, like when my grandfather was alive. I’ll make him proud. No matter what it takes.”

Robert patted him on the shoulder. “Then you might want to start by being honest with Kara. I’ve talked with her and she’s bright. When your father’s health started to decline, he leaned on her to keep this place running. By now, she must know where each and every skeleton is buried. You’re going to need her.”

“I know. I’ll tell her everything Monday.” Well, not everything—just the parts pertaining to the Greene Summit.

Robert’s brow furrowed and he began patting his pockets. “I must have left my phone in the office. I’ll run back and grab it.”

“Okay. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Get some sleep. We’ve got work to do.”

Jason turned to the lobby doors and gazed out at the parking lot. He rubbed his thigh, trying to ease the persistent throbbing. He had a business to rebuild and no time to slow down.

The grand reopening in three weeks had to go off without a hitch. All his investors would be on hand to take part in the festivities, and their approval was of the utmost importance, especially if he wanted more capital to undo the years of neglect.

He knew he could never again be the man in Kara’s life. Still, he had to find a way to get her to stay on at the resort. He needed her knowledge to make this a smooth transition.

But when she preferred braving a snowstorm to staying safe here with him, how in the world would they be able to work side by side?


THE HYPNOTIC SWIRL of flakes made it difficult for Kara to focus on the winding mountain road. The cascade of snow hit the windshield harder and faster with each passing minute. She flicked on the wipers. The built-up ice on the rubber blades made an awful ruckus. Swish. Thunk. Swish. Thunk.

The knowledge that Jason was now her boss haunted her. She’d thought that, with the resort sold, any lingering ties to him would be severed. How could she have been so wrong?

A bend in the road loomed ahead. Her foot tapped the brake a little too hard and the car lost traction. Her fingers tightened on the steering wheel as she started to skid.

Stay calm. You know how to drive in this weather.

Thoughts of Jason vanished as she turned into the skid. Like a pinball shot into action, the vehicle slid forward. Trees and the guardrail whizzed by in a blur. In an attempt to straighten the car, she spun the wheel in the other direction. Her throat constricted. At last, she came to a stop in what she hoped was the middle of the road.

That was way too close.

The pent-up air whooshed from her burning lungs. She rested her forehead against the steering wheel, trying to calm the frantic thumping of her heart. S

he silently sent up a thankful prayer.