Kara swallowed back the emotional lump in her throat. No man had ever taken such an interest in her daughter. Who’d have guessed Jason’s Scrooge-like heart could be thawed out by a little girl? Miracles really did happen.

With Samantha occupied, Jason approached Kara. “She’s having a lot of fun, isn’t she?”

Funny that he’d need her confirmation when the glowing smile and rosy cheeks on her daughter spoke volumes more than Kara could ever vocalize. “Yes, she is. Thank you for this. Since I started working overtime to prepare for the new management, there hasn’t been any time to get out and have fun.”

“Jason, aren’t you going to play, too?” Samantha whined. “I keep droppin’ the monkey.”

“I’ll be right there.” He turned back to Kara. “Do you want to help her?”

“She wants you. But first, what file can’t you find?”

He paused as though he didn’t have a clue what she was referring to, then a light of recognition sparked in his eyes. “The order for the parts for the lift on the double-diamond slope. They were supposed to be here yesterday. Without a functioning lift this grand reopening is going to be a grand disaster.”

He wanted an order form? On a Saturday afternoon? There was nothing he could do about the missing order before Monday morning. What had he been thinking when he’d called her? Of course, he hadn’t been thinking. She’d never seen anyone work harder than Jason. He expected his employees to give their all, which she didn’t mind during the week, but the weekend was for family—something he knew nothing about.

She glanced up to find he’d moved to the claw machine. His hand worked the joystick and his lips pressed into a firm line as he concentrated on grabbing the toy. Her annoyance faded. This was the most enjoyment she and her daughter had had in a long time.

“I’ll be right back,” Kara called out. Neither seemed interested, as the monkey hung precariously from the metal claw.

She moved swiftly to the business offices, located the purchase order and placed it front and center on Jason’s cluttered desk. Her hand hovered as she debated whether to see if the letter from his father was still there. What would it hurt?

It took a little bit of searching, but eventually she located it beneath a mountain of paperwork. Still unopened. She frowned as she placed it conveniently beneath the folder Jason had requested. He would read his father’s words, eventually. Hope burned strong and bright in her heart.

* * *

Jason’s cheeks grew sore from smiling.

He shook his head in disbelief. Samantha hit the left bumper on the vintage pinball machine. How could this pint-size little girl clutching a purple monkey bring him such happiness?

He regretted each and every minute he’d missed of her life, but it would be different from here on out. As soon as he proved to Kara that he could keep the monster side of him at bay, and show her that he wasn’t going anywhere ever again, there’d be a lot more moments like this. He’d make sure of it.

Kara strolled back into the game room. Even though she wasn’t wearing anything stylish, he thought she looked positively radiant. A pastel pink sweater stretched across her chest, snuggling against her feminine curves. His mouth grew dry. And her low-slung jeans clung to her rounded hips. If he were to envision the perfect snow bunny, it’d definitely be her.

“I can see by the new stuffed animal in Samantha’s arms that you two beat the claw machine.”

He swallowed. “It took a few quarters but we got it.”

“Samantha looks happy. Has she tried every game yet?”

“Almost.” As

far as he was concerned, she didn’t have to leave anytime soon.

“By the way, I found the order form and left it on your desk. But the supplier won’t be open until first thing Monday morning.”

“Thanks. I’ll straighten it out then.”

“We should get going,” she said. “I’m sure you’ve got more important things to do.”

“Stay just a little longer.” He reached for her hand. His thumb stroked her soft skin. “You haven’t told me what you think of the remodel.”

He honestly didn’t care what they discussed. In that moment, he was at peace, and dare he say it, happy. Peace and happiness had eluded him for years, and he’d give almost anything for it to last just a little longer.

“You’ve done a marvelous job breathing new life into this place,” Kara said, letting her hand rest in his. “The color scheme is cheerful and relaxing. It’s a very inviting atmosphere. A great escape from the realities of life.”

“Really? That’s the impression you get?”

“Isn’t that the impression you want to give? Don’t people come to resorts to escape the pressures of their everyday lives? Aren’t they here to have fun, unwind, and for some, to recapture their youth?”