“It’s starting to snow,” he said, remembering the last time they’d been here and it had snowed—the miraculous night when she’d made him feel love again.

She turned, leaning back against his chest as they both watched fat snowflakes drifting down. “Do you think we’ll get stuck here?”

He pulled her close. “One can only hope. By the way, my dad said to tell you he’s waiting for his Christmas present. Mind explaining?”

She laughed. The sound was the most delightful he’d ever heard. “Your father won’t let me forget. I promised to knit him a red scarf so he can wear it outside. He misses the snow. He wants to feel it on his face once more.”

“Is the scarf done?”

She nodded.

“Looks like if this snow keeps up we’ll have a Christmas wish to fulfill.”

“It’ll be a Christmas of miracles.”

Now was the perfect moment for the last thing he had to ask her. He dropped to his knee. “Kara Jameson, I’ve loved you since we were kids, and you mean more to me with each passing day. Please tell me that you’ll be my best friend, my lover and my wife.” He took the ring from the box and held it out to her. “Say you’ll be Mrs. Jason Greene.”

Tears dripped onto her pink cheeks. “Yes. Yes! Yes!”

His heart felt as if it would burst with joy. He slipped the ring onto her finger, stood up and pulled her into his arms, then swooped in and planted a gentle kiss on her lips. Her arms slipped up around his neck. He’d never felt this deeply for someone in his life.

“I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus....” They turned to find Samantha grinning at them, happiness twinkling in her eyes. “Does this mean I get the present I really want for Christmas?”

Kara’s eyes met her daughter’s. Unable to contain her joy, she smiled back. “What present is that?”

“I want Jason to live with us. He can be my daddy.”

Jason smiled, and Kara draped her arm around his waist and leaned into him. “I t

hink that can be arranged,” she said.

He knelt on one knee again and held out his arms. Samantha rushed into them. “I’d be honored to be your father.”

Over her head, Jason’s gaze met Kara’s. “I can’t think of anything I’d love more than to be part of this wonderful family.”

* * * * *

Keep reading for an excerpt from THE REDEMPTION OF RICO D’ANGELO by Michelle Douglas.

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RICO STARED AT the application in front of him—again—before blowing out a breath and slumping in his chair. He’d had such high hopes for this project—hopes of finding someone as fantastically enthusiastic about it as he was.