When Kara stepped inside, Sly ran up to her with a loud meow, followed by a boisterous purr as she rubbed against her ankles. Kara bent down and ran her hand over the feline’s satiny fur.

“Hey, sweetie. I missed you, too.”

As though understanding Kara’s words, Sly paused, lifted her golden eyes and meowed in agreement.

“Wow. A kitty.” Samantha ran over and dropped to her knees.

Sly scampered away to a safe distance before turning and taking in the little girl with a cautious stare.

“Come here, Sly,” Jason called to the cat.

Sly paused. Big, curious eyes checked them out before she sauntered over. In one fluid motion, Jason scooped up the cat in one arm and started to pet her.

“This is my friend Samantha,” he said close to the cat’s inky-black ear. “She’s really nice.” He leaned toward the little girl. “Go ahead and pet her head.”

Kara smiled as Santa did his best to make her daughter feel at home. Her eyes glistened as she took in this tender moment. What in the world did all this mean? She didn’t want to jump to conclusions. She was certain Jason would eventually explain.

In the background, she spotted the Christmas tree exactly as she’d left it. She couldn’t stop smiling. Jason had let the joy of the holiday back into his heart. A happy tear splashed on her cheek. She swiped it away with the back of her hand.

Samantha ran over to the tree and sat on the floor next to it. The sleek feline followed, eventually rubbing against her arm.

“Look, Sly, at all the presents. There’s three with my name on them.” Samantha glanced over her shoulder at Jason. “Can I open them now?”

“Sure. If it’s okay with your mom.”

Kara nodded. As Samantha ripped into her gifts, Jason draped an arm over Kara’s shoulders. “I hope I did okay. I’ve never bought toys for a little girl before. In fact, I’ve never bought toys before, period.”

After Samantha unwrapped a pink plush cat, a jewelry and makeup kit, and an electronic game, Kara said, “Samantha, don’t we have a gift for Jason?”

Her daughter rushed over, removed a wrapped package from Kara’s oversize purse and handed it to him. “It’s your turn.”

“What’s this?” he asked, giving it a little shake.

Samantha shrugged.

“Just a little something,” Kara stated.

He tore off the wrapping paper in much the same frenzied fashion as her daughter. “The angel.” His brow crinkled. “But I gave this to Samantha.”

Kara pressed a finger to his lips, stopping his protest. “This is a very precious gift, and Samantha and I enjoyed having her atop our tree. But it was time she came home where she belongs—with you.” The same place I want to be, she almost added, but held her tongue. A heavy sadness settled in her heart as she blinked back the moisture gathering in her eyes.

Jason disappeared into the kitchen and returned with three champagne glasses. “Here’s some sparkling cider. I thought it would fit the occasion.” He handed each of them a glass and then held his high. “Here’s to the two most wonderful ladies.” He paused, clearing his throat. “May your futures be everything you want them to be.”

Kara clinked her glass with his and forced a smile on her face. “And to a successful reopening.”

She glanced up at him and saw the puzzled look in his eyes. He must have picked up something in her expression. Deep inside, she didn’t want to move away. Living in a city meant there’d be no yard to plant spring flowers, and Samantha would have to go to an after-school day-care center while she worked, instead of staying with her doting grandparents. City life would be very different from what she’d imagined for her and Samantha.

And most of all, Jason wouldn’t be around to drop by on a moment’s notice. Oh, how she’d miss him, and the chance of them being more than just old friends. Sometimes life could be unfair.

Still, she couldn’t discuss her reservations about the move. She had to maintain a positive front not only for Samantha but for herself. Kara stiffened her spine and swallowed down her misery. She’d wait until the day after Christmas to break the news of the move to her daughter. She didn’t want to ruin the holiday.


JASON TOOK KARA by the elbow and led her to the other side of the living room, giving them a little privacy.

“Will you give me another chance?” he asked, staring deep into her eyes.

“A chance for what?”