MEETING AFTER MEETING about streamlining the resort’s expenses kept Kara in close proximity to Jason. However, with so many other employees drifting in and out of his office, she didn’t have a chance to ask about the past, and get answers to the questions that had plagued her for so many years.

If she didn’t know better, she’d swear he’d planned his open-door policy as a way of keeping them from talking privately. But if he thought she’d forget about their agreement, he was most definitely wrong.

So when the phone rang on Saturday, Kara was startled to hear his voice at the other end. He was all-business, asking for her assistance in finding some pertinent paperwork. When she said that she’d have to bring Samantha with her, his tone softened and he said he had an important job for her, too.

Not wanting to give him any excuse to fire her before the holidays, Kara shut down her internet search for jobs, scooped up Samantha from in front of the television and rushed out the door.

With the late afternoon sun playing hide-and-seek behind the trees lining Greene Summit’s winding roadway, she drove up to the lodge. Samantha chattered about anything and everything that caught her attention, as was normal during a car ride. Only today her conversation wasn’t about school or Santa. Today her only thought was about seeing Jason.

They parked in the vacant front lot, by the main entrance. Massive timbers acted as supports for the alcove roof, while layered logs made up the walls of the lodge, giving it a natural outdoorsy feeling.

“Mommy, hurry,” Samantha said, yanking on her hand. “He said I could help him do somethin’ impotent.”

“Important,” Kara corrected, and released her daughter’s hand in order to unlock the door.

Inside the newly renovated lobby, a soft pine scent lofted throughout the two-story space, thanks to the giant Christmas tree that soared up toward the skylights, lights twinkling from every branch. A musical rendition of “Have a Holly Jolly Christmas” played in the background. Since they were the only ones in the building, aside from Jason, she couldn’t dismiss the fact that he’d taken time to turn on the lights and music to impress Samantha. Her daughter walked all around the tree, admiring the red and green decorations.

“Wow, look, Mommy. Think Mr. Greene did all of this for us?”

Kara smiled. “I think the decorations are for the grand reopening, but I’m sure he’d be happy if you told him how much you like them.”

“I will.”

As though her thoughts had summoned him, Jason strode over to them. A smile lightened the tired lines on his face. “Hi. So what are my two favorite ladies up to?”

“Waiting for you.” Samantha giggled.

“I hope we didn’t take too long. I had a nut roll in the oven when you called,” Kara said, trying to ignore the way his smile made her heart pound.

Samantha moved to stand directly in front of Jason. “Mr. Greene, I’m ready to work. Look,” she said, holding up her stuffed bear. “I brought help.”

He chuckled. “Samantha, I wish all my workers were as eager as you and Bubbles.”

“What are we gonna do? Is it fun?”

“Slow down,” he said. “I called you and your mom here because I have a little work I need your mother to do for me.”

Kara stood next to the towering evergreen, observing the way her daughter’s eyes lit up as she interacted with Jason. He certainly could turn on the charm. She’d have to be careful or they’d both be vulnerable to his radiant smile and kind words—and that couldn’t happen. She knew how much it had cost her when he’d changed his mind about a future with her, an

d moved on—alone.

Samantha’s lower lip stuck out. “I thought you had somethin’ impotent for me.”

He chuckled, most likely at her daughter’s poor grammar, or maybe the way her bottom lip sagged.

“Cheer up,” he said, “I have something in mind for you. A real important job. First, would you like to see the changes we’ve made to the resort?”

Samantha shrugged. Kara knew she should just take care of business and leave, but she was anxious to take a look around. Since Jason took over the Summit, she’d been tucked away in the office, shuffling papers, making phone calls and attending meetings. She’d missed seeing all the renovations. What would a five-minute tour hurt?

“And afterward—” he knelt down by Samantha and whispered loud enough for Kara to overhear “—I was hoping you could help me test the machines in the game room.”

“The game room!” Samantha screamed. Her blue eyes sparkled with excitement.

Kara bit back a groan. What was he up to? The last thing either of them should be doing on a Saturday afternoon was hanging out a family. The thought was so foreign to her. It’d always been enough to know she and Samantha were a family unit. Kara didn’t like how being around Jason filled her head with thoughts of what was lacking.

She cleared her throat, gaining the others’ attention. “As kind as your offer is, we can’t stay—”

“Mommy.” Samantha’s cherubic face scrunched into a stormy frown. “I wanna stay!”